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It was the next day Taehyung opened slowly opened his eyes, taking the surrounding's, He don't know what's happening to him but he felt like his body is weak, he somehow dragged himself to the bathroom after pecking Jun's forehead

After 30 mins he came outside only to find Jungkook is in his room who is already on his feet since he got the scent of his mate "Good morning love" Jungkook pecked his mates lip's who is a blushing mess, "Good Morning" Taehyung mumbled

"I came to call you to breakfast and also my father came to see you" Jungkook said while Taehyung got tensed when he heard that Jungkook father is also downstairs, but Jungkook just squeezed his hands "It's okay love he knows everything about you and was excited to meet you" Jungkook said but Taehyung was still nervous

They went downstairs as they decided to wake Minjun up later since he slept late in night Though Taehyung protested that there is school tomorrow Jungkook said they will wake him up once they finish their Breakfast

They went downstairs and made their way to Living room, Looking at his nervous mate Jungkook squeezed his hand assuring the male, everyone turned their head to their direction while Mrs. Jeon is already on her feet dragging Taehyung making him sit between Mr. Jeon and Her making Jungkook squint his eyes at her in disbelief

"Hello son I am Jeon Soo Hyun, nice to meet you" Mr. Jeon greeted him "I am Kim Taehyung Mr. Jeon Nice to meet you to" Taehyung greeted back with a bow "Ohh Just call me Appa Taehyung" Mr. Jeon said making Taehyung nod and Mrs. Jeon roll her eyes at him

They talked for awhile and ate breakfast while Mrs. Jeon is embarrassing Jungkook with his childhood Stories while Jungkook is whining like a kid at threatening her to not say further to which she Just shrugged her shoulder's, To say Taehyung really loved this moment It's made him remind of his family


Tell your dad to come out from wherever he is hiding" A lady in her mid 35 shouted through the hallway while the Two Kids are just praying for his dad's ass as he broked his wife's favourite Vase while showing some cool baseball moves to their son's

The 12 Yr and 17 Yr are Just looking innocently at their mother who is fuming with anger as they don't know what to do "Who will show the moves with baseball bats in living where they are many Items" she huffed and searching for her Husband

"STOP RIGHT THERE KIM SEO JOON" she shouted as she watched her Husband crawling on the floor trying to move other side, she immediately pinched his ear making him scream sorry as she was glaring at him

Both the kids are Just watching their parents with their puppy eye's as his father is pleading them to save from the wrath of their mother, they understood "Eomma Tae is hungry" the older of the both said immediately Mrs. Kim left her husbands ear who is massaging it with a pout

"Ahh I forgot sorry babies I Brought some cake, come with me" she said while giving them an angelic smile while her husband is looking at her giving 'What the fuck'






Tae snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Jungkook shout and realised his cheeks were wet while Mr & Mrs. Jeon along with Jimin and Jungkook looking at him worriedly, after that it was all black

Jungkook immediately caught his mate who Just fainted after spacing out while tears rolling down the male, he picked him and Took him to his room and immediately called Jin asking him to come

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