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"Jungkook let go" Baekhyun glared at Jungkook who aslo glared back "No" he replied "It's just two days" Baekhyun hissed "Excatly two days" Jungkook hissed back, So exactly what happened is after Jungkook proposing to Taehyung they decided to get maried in two weeks, So as some tradition where the couple should not see each other before they get married, Baekhyun came to take Taehyung with him along with Chanyeol. But Jungkook didn't agreed saying it is a weird Tradition. So now they both are bickering while everyone are watching the two.

"This is weird" Jungkook squinted his eyes at Baekhyun, Chanyeol cleared his throat not really liking the glaring competition he knows Baekhyun won't back down, "Jungkook it's just two days for you but I stayed one week, so it's just two Jungkook-ah" Chanyeol calmly said, "Yes Jungkook, it's just two days" Mira added, "Fine" Jungkook grunted and rolled his eyes

"Okay Tae pack your bags for two days" Baekhyun said "This is a weird tradition" Taehyung mumbled under his breath "So who will stay and who will come ?" Baekhyun asked the kids who sat there watching the scene from the beginning, they just know one thing that their parents are getting married, "Why ?" Mi Young pouted not liking the separation of her mumma and appa

"It is a tradition baby just two days and your mumma and appa will be back together" Mira explained "I'll stway with mumma "Mi Young raised her hand, "Okay Ye Joon, You baby ?" "Appa" Ye Joon replied "Okay then, If you miss mumma you can come okay ?" Baekhyun said and got a nod

Meanwhile upstairs,

"Why did you gave up ?" Taehyung glared at Jungkook, he didn't liked to be separate from his mate "I tried baby, did you saw your eomma" Jungkook whined, he really couldn't stand Baekhyun but still tried but in the end everyone made him, "I don't want to goooo" Taehyung hugged him tightly "It's only two days baby" Jungkook pecked the male's lips, but Taehyung pulled him into a kiss deepening it, Jungkook smiled in kiss and took control of it, after heated makeout session Taehyung got ready and went downstairs.

They left after bidding good byes, Tae didn't liked that he has to stay away from Ye Joon, more like separating his two kids, but Mira said she will visit him along with Ye Joon tomorrow. They already completed their shopping, they both did it separately so no one knows what other is wearing. The whole marriage responsibility is given to Jin and Jimin. 

Finally the Day came which the two souls are waiting for~

"I am scared" Jungkook pacing in the room, "Dadda scwared" Ye Joon tilted his head "Yes Joonie this True Blood alpha dadda of yours is scared" Yoongi boringly said picking the kid onto his lap, "What if he says no ?" Jungkook groaned in pain when Soo Hyun smacked him, "Dad" Jungkook whined "He won't Jungkook, I can understand you but don't blabber nonsense" Namjoon said.

Right then, Mira entered "He looks so pretty" Mira squeled "Mommmm" Jungkook whined again, "When did I gave birth to a whining machine ?" Mira questioned glaring at Jungkook, don't get the boy wrong it's his nerves that's speaking, he didn't saw Taehyung for two days and top of it he was so impatient on how his mate looks, his wolf is also not helping. Cyrus annoyed the shit out of him to the point where he has to block his mate

On the other hand Taehyung is getting ready, "Mumma pwetty" Mi Young said looking at Taehyung with her big eyes, "Afterall he is my son" Baekhyun flipped his imaginery hair "I don't think Tae need makeup" Minjae said looking at his little brother, They finally put the veil on his, "I going to Jungkook to inform him" Mira squealed and left

"I-I am nervous" Taehyung mumbled "Don't be nervous baby, everything is gonna be fine" Baekhyun kissed his forehead, Chanyeol entered and gasped as he looked at his son "You are beautiful son" Chanyeol kissed his forehead making the Omega shy, "Jungkook is gonna loose his brain" Jimin said making everyone laugh, "We need to go" Chanyeol announced

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