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It's what the whole house is been silent,

Taehyung still didn't wake up, The atmosphere was Gloomy, The colors of the flowers is gone. Last night the parks hasn't gone back they stayed here, today afternoon they all came to look Tae when Jungkook told them to they can come, after that everyone are in living room when Jungkook said about the babies. No words are coming from anybody. They don't know what to say or how to console them. Only Baekhyun and Minjae knows the pain who are silently crying.

After a while everyone are left Baekhyun stayed back as he doesn't want to leave his son, Jungkook was laying beside his mate, holding his hand, he doesn't know how much time it will take Taehyung to wake up. But when his mate wakes up he wants to be there. Morning he cried in the bathroom but now he doesn't want to anymore. He wants to be strong, he cannot break

"Jungkook why don't you eat something" Baekhyun entered with a tray "I-I am not hungry" He sat, "I know how you are feeling kook, but you should eat something atleast" Baekhyun sighed when he got no response, he left leaving the tray on the Table in the room "W-Wake up Fast, I-I n-need you" Jungkook held his tears.

It's been five days, Taehyung didn't wake up yet Jungkook started going to company from 3 days after a talk with his parents and others. Everytime he entered home he wanted to hear his mate giggles, laugh, wants to see his beautiful face and his pout and his voice, but he was disappointed everytime he came back home knowing his mate is still asleep. Baekhyun was still here. He is taking care of Jungkook and Taehyung along with Jimin

Jungkook asked Jin, but neither the elder Omega knows the reason why Taehyung hasn't woke up yet. Today is Just a another new day for Jungkook hoping his mate would wake up and welcome him home with his sweet presence.

"What the hell? is this proposal ?" a cold voice ranged all over the room making the employees shiver, it was a small mistake but Jungkook is not in the best mood to take it easy, these 3 days it was a hell for employees. They are really having a hard time in keeping up with Jungkook. He fired and hired minimum of 50 employees in these 3 days. He dismissed them and left the office

It was already evening, When he entered he saw a smiling Baekhyun coming downstairs, though his smile was little he can imagine his hopes got high, "Jungkook he's is awake" Baekhyun said a tear rolling down his cheek when he noticed Jungkook down the stairs. Jungkook immediately ran upstairs

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes adjusting to the surroundings, he tried to wake up but hissed when he felt pain and sting on his stomach, Jimin was Just right then came from university and going upstairs to check on Tae, "Tae you are up" Jimin said no he screamed on top of his lungs which ranged whole house. Baekhyun came upstairs when he heard Jimin

Taehyung hissed when he heard Jimin's shout it's been days since he was sleeping, "Oh baby you are awake" Baekhyun entered the room while crying "Water" Taehyung said in a hoarse voice, his throat is hurting, Jimin immediately gave him "W-What happed ?" he hissed again trying to wake up, Jimin helped him to sit

"You didn't wake up for 5 days Tae" Jimin said while sitting beside Taehyung "I-I d-dont remember anything" Taehyung said "Let me call Jungkook" Baekhyun went outside "I will call Jin Hyung"The door room slammed open, Jungkook entered a little panting, he immediately engulphed his mate, Taehyung slowly brought his hands up and made their way to Jungkook's shoulder hugging him "I-I m-missed you" Jungkook said hugging Tae tighter "Kook I called Jin hyung he is on his way" Jimin said and left the room leaving the mates

They were like that for sometime, Jungkook was the first one to break the hug and cupped the Omega's face caressing his cheeks "K-Koo" Tae called and Jungkook hummed "I-I W-What happe-ned ?" Tae asked his voice is still cracking, Jungkook sighed and "T-That -" Jungkook said what happened, everything except the babies. Jungkook stiffened when Tae asked "T-The b-babies are f-fine r-right" this is the first thing that he asked when Jungkook finished saying

When Jungkook was thinking on how to tell Taehyung about the babies, Jin came and saved him, he checked Taehyung thoroughly "You are fine Tae, Just a little weak I will give you medicines don't worry, Though you can heal through your wolf medicines will help you too" Jin said while writing "B-Babies are fine r-right ?" he asked again making both males tense

"W-Why are not saying anything ?" Tae asked while turning to Jungkook, who is not even looking into his eyes "I-I c-can't feel a-any c-connection, I-I can't f-feel t-them" Tae said as a tear rolled down his puffy cheeks, "J-Jungkook look at me" Tae left a sob not understanding, finally Jungkook looked and regretted as his mate was crying making his heart clench "T-They a-are" Jungkook took a deep breath "T-They d-didn't survive" Jungkook finally said, he waited for Taehyung reaction but he got nothing except the tears rolling down his cheeks

Jungkook panicked and patted Taehyung cheeks, finally snapping Taehyung from spacing "Y-You are l-lying r-right K-koo" Taehyung asked, but a sob left when Jungkook shook his head as a 'no'. Taehyung right their he breakdown in his mates arms whose eyes are getting blur but blinked the tears away and held Taehyung tightly. Jin left both of them and told both the males down to give space to them

After that breakdown, Taehyung didn't talked to anyone even when they asked something he just replied plainly in a single word, Jungkook is the only one who feeds him, Jungkook on the other hand feels helpless, he knows how Taehyung feels, what makes him more frustrate was he doesn't know what to do to make him normal again.

The days are passing by, it's already been one week since the incident, Taehyung talked rarely and came out rarely, Sometimes Mira and Baekhyun would come and talk to him about various things, Jungkook gave him cuddles and tell how his day and tries to make the Omega talk, Taehyung changed a bit by bit daily in these Minjae came along with Minjun thinking that Minjun might help, and it worked there is progress in Taehyung

There were many questions in Taehyung the whole week Why him ? Why his babies ? Why can't he find happiness ? After all what he had gone through can't he have a better life with his mate ? Can't he have normal life like other's ?

Whenever he saw Jungkook he felt bad for not talking to his mate and he doesn't want to be like that anymore. Whenever he saw Jungkook trying to make him talk and make him happy by giving him small things he felt bad for not responding the way Jungkook expected to be. He doesn't even talked to his wolf, neither Reuel contacted him

He wanted to change and move on, he realized there is nothing to change What happened is happened, He doesn't want to make people around him worried about him more, Thinking that he took a bath and wore Jungkook's shirt and his shorts, he went downstairs Baekhyun left 3 days back, he saw no one Jimin must be in his room he thought and went to Kitchen

He saw the items in the kitchen and decided to make dinner for the three, and started making, Meanwhile Jungkook can feel the mood change in his mate and couldn't wait to get home fast but the meeting is taking long...

Jimin frowned when his nose hit amazing smell, he last checked he didn't did anything nor ordered anything neither anyone are in the home expect Taehyung, he immediately went to Kitchen to find Taehyung cooking, he went hugged the male tightly startling him as the Omega didn't expect the sudden attack "Jimin-ah you scared me" Tae said while clutching his heart

"I missed you Tae" Jimin said "Me too and I am sorry for making you all worry" "Oh don't worry love we all understand you and you have reason to be like that don't worry, but Jungkook will be very happy if he see's you like this" Jimin exclaimed "Thanks Jimin" Taehyung hugged him back "Oh don't thank me Tae, Jungkook will be the who will be most happiest person, he was really not himself this whole week seeing you" Jimin said excitedly

Poor Jimin he really missed Tae his friend since Taehyung became pregnant the Omega barely hanged with him dur to his sickness, and now he was very happy to see him back again. Both Jimin and Taehyung spend a quality time while cooking. And are now watching a movie waiting for Jungkook.


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