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"Your brother Tae"

Mira went to pack house as usual she found Minjae is in the Garden, his favorite place, "Minjae" she called gaining the attention of omega, Minjae bowed "Yes Luna" "I want you to meet someone" she said as Minjae stared, confusion is written all over his face "Just go and get ready we will leave once that old man comes" Minjae nodded and left

Minjae came downstairs after getting ready only to find Mr and Mrs. Jeon along with a kid, without his knowledge a tear rolled down cheek, he frowned when found his cheeks are wet and quickly wiped the tears, if Minjun was alive he would looked like this he thoguht and went near to them

"Alpha and Luna" he called them "Ohhh Minjae-ah let's go", he nodded and went behind them, the four are seated in the car "He is Minjun Minjae" Mira said as he looked at her with wide eyes, Before he can ask they reached the house "Come son" Mira took him inside

"Sit Minjae, we have something to talk with you more like someone wants to meet you " she said as Minjae looked at blankly not knowing understanding anything "They didn't came down ?" Mira asked Jimin "No, Jungkook said they will come down in few Minutes" Mira nodded her head at his reply

Mira Looked at Minjae, took his hands squeezing them tightly "As I said in the car son he is Minjun, Your son" he looked at her, trying to take what she said, she smiled at her assuring him, he then looked at Minjun who is looking him already

Tear started to flow from his eyes, he couldn't utter a single word, this is alot for him, 4 years back he thought he lost them but now here his son in front him standing all fine, alive "I-Is he really ?"Minjae asked while he was going to to Minjun who is staning in between the legs of Soo hyun

He went and hugged his son tightly and kissed all over his face, the Kid didn't understand what was happening but didn't backed because he got a motherly warmth from him Just like he gets from Taehyung, he looked at Minjae with big eyes "T-Tae i-is he also here ?" Minjae asked his voice trembling

Meanwhile, "Your brother Tae", Taehyung Just stared at processing the words, "K-Kook d-don't Joke with me" he asked Jungkook who made small smile and shook his head "No baby I am not, your Brother he's is alive" Jungkook said again "I-I want to meet him Kook" Taehyung cried "You will love but first calm down mom went to pack house to bring him" Jungkook said

Tae calmed down after a little, "Wait here baby let me go and bring the wet towel to wash your face" Jungkook left to bathroom Taehyung felt soo happy that he can't express. He felt like he can live again, he was devastated when his parents are dead, and he felt his soul left him when he saw the car blast seeing his brother die who was not, The soul reason he was still alive was because of Minjun.

Jungkook came outside with a warm wet cloth and cleaned Taehyung's face and pecked his lips then his forehead, "Do-" he can't complete since the door was wide opened with Minjae standing there with teary eyes "T-Tae" he whispered, Taehyung ran to his brother and hugged his like there is no tomorrow "Hyung" he cried "Taetae l-let me see you bub" Minjae asked Tae who lifted his head eyes teary, with nose red Minjae chuckled lightly in tears and Kissed his forehead, they both snapped their head at the tiny voice

Jimin came upstairs along with Minjun, since the kid asked his eomma "Eomma" Minjun frowned looking Taehyung crying clunging over the other, Taehyung pulled from the hug and went towards Minjun and picked him from Jimin "I am okay baby don't worry" Taehyung assured the boy

Tae went to Minjae with Minjun in his arms "Minjun- ah, listen carefully pup , he is your really eomma" Tae pointed at Minjae, while Minjun staring at Minjae "Y-You s-said h-he is dead, y-you are m-my eomma" Minjun held Tae tightly and hugged "I-I d-don't know how but he is alive baby see" Tae tried but sighed when the boy shook his

"Listen baby he is your mom not me and he is alive" Tae tried again, after many trials finally Minjun looked at Minjae with red nose puffy cheeks and teary eyes to be honest Minjae didn't find the different between Minjun and Tae "S-So Y-you are my mom" he mumbled in a tiny voice, Minjae smiled a little and went to them "I-I am baby" he said

"Y-You won't leave us right" he again asked in a small voice "No No I promise baby I won't" he promised, the boy looked at him, Minjae opened his arms "papa missed you alot w-will you come to papa" he asked, the boy nodded and Jumped right into Minjae's arms who smiled, Taehyung eyes teared up when he saw the, Tae went and hugged them when Minjae motioned him to

Everyone are downstairs, they left when Jimin came up with Minjun giving privacy, waiting for them "Jungkook what did baekhyun said ? " Mira aksed her son who was busy thinking, "Umm I will tell you later mom" he replied

They heard footsteps and looked at stairs, Minjae and Taehyung decided to go down and Thank them, Both Tae and Minjae went to the Jeon family and Bowed to them, Everyone are their foot standing "T-Thanks Alpha Luna Jungkook-ssi and Jimin-ssi" Minjae said bowing again "T-Thanks Mr and Mrs Jeon Jungkook and Jimin I-I d-dont know how to repay you" it's Taehyung bowing to them

"No son- " Soo Hyun was cut "N-No alpha if it's not for Jungkook-ssi and his friends I-I would have dead in the forest" Minjae said "It's nothing son, it's all over now, please don't thank us " Soo hyun assured "Yes Hyung, it's all in the past now" Jimin said

After the reunion everyone finished their dinner, as Tae requested Minjae to stay, so he is also staying with them for the night, now the three are in Tae's bedroom while Minjun is in between the two omega's "Hyung how did you survived ? I-I mean the car blasted infront of us ?" Tae asked, Minjae sighed 

"I escaped from the car Tae and searched for both of you the water flow was heavy and I can't keep the pace so I reached the shore and shouted but right then the car blasted, I-I was devastated and broken when I saw it, I-I thought you and Minjun are dead, I-I cried there, and started moving inside the forest, b-but I didn't observed that I had a cut on my waist and I-I got fever, after that I just painted, I was in the fores for 3 day Tae, I didn't even realised that I reached this pack border which alarmed the pack member, so when they came they rescued me, I-I was unconscious for one week pup" Minjae said his body shaking, Taehyung hugged Minjae going to his side and Minjun did copying Tae

"Hyung I-It's over forget it, that night was a nightmare, I took minjun and went to other side but when the car blasted I-It's the moment when I felt I-I lost everything, but Minjun is there, I ran with him deep into the forest, I don't know how many day I walked with Minjun in my arms but I found a shelter a house it was old and it took nearly a month for me to adjust the life, but then I joined in the university this year" Taehyung said "Tae I am sorry bub I-I am a bad hyung and thanks for taking care of Minjun as yours" Minjae thanked

"No Hyung he's yours means he's mine also, Hyung your are not bad it's not your fault, it's his fault Hyung, b-but it's all over, please Hyung don't blame yourself" Tae hugged his brother  making Minjae smile

The whole night they catch up with each other, It was the next day Tae went to University along with Jimin as Jungkook dropped both of them both, now they are in the middle of the class when Taehyung felt heat in his body slightly  (🌚🌚🌚...)


Hey petal's,

Hope it's not a bad reunion after all...

What do you all think is next chapter ?😏😉

Bye bye ...

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