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When the morning comes the Omega clung to Jungkook, Taehyung knows what happened Reuel explained everything to him, he trusts Jungkook alot, he knows his mate doesn't cheat on him, it's his emotions and the scent that clouded his mind making him insecure yesterday. That mere second where everything would have destroyed if Reuel didn't took control

He wants assurance, he wants to be feel secured and he only gets that from his mate who he is now hugging tightly "Love you have to let me go" Jungkook said while playing with Omega's hair locks, he sighed when Taehyung Shook his head, they had been like that from the morning, both the witch and the shape shifter from yesterday are in the basement

Soo Hyun and Chanyeol along with others are taking care of them but they are not even uttering a word, Jungkook wants to go and see them for himself but Taehyung is not letting him go, he could've taken the Omega along with him but he doesn't want his three babies to enter that room never

"Baby listen" Jungkook cupped Taehyung's face, "I will come as soon as I finish their, we have to know the Truth shouldn't we they tried to take you from me" Jungkook tried to explain which surprisingly worked as Taehyung nodded with a pout, immediately Jungkook pecked his lips got up to get ready and leave, "If anything is wrong link me immediately or call me Jimin is downstairs so ask him if you want to eat anything" Jungkook said while Taehyung nodding his head like a obedient puppy

Taehyung knows he couldn't keep Jungkook all to himself Just because of his fear, So let his mate go, he also want's to know who is behind this and what is the reason, he finally dragged himself down to spend with Jimin who is making some Ramen for himself "Oh Tae do you want to eat ?" Jimin asked and Tae nodded his head so Jimin made another pack, "Can I get strawberry jam" Tae asked while Jimin looked at him bewildered but neverthless he gave it to Tae who added it to Ramen, Jimin made a disgusting face while Taehyung as eating humming in satisfaction, damn these cravings Jimin thought and silently ate

Where as Jungkook is now in the basement they came to know that witch name is Lara, and the shape shifter name is Chris, "Don't tell me you haven't guessed it already" Lara uttered her hands were tied to the chair same with Chris "I know I am asking what is the motive ?" Jungkook asked while  hris snickered "Don't you have a special wolf with you ?" Lara looked at Jungkook's expression but didn't find any change as he maintained it blank

"Our Pack Alpha wants that wolf so that he can gain powers from it" Chris said with a boring expression "Lee Hae Joon" Chanyeol asked "He is the one that is responsible for what happened to your pack years ago" Chris said as Chanyeol clenched his jaw wanting to kill him "But you can't do anything to him" Lara said in the middle

"Why ?" Jungkook asked, Lara clicked her tongue "Onyx is a pack which always move when their enemies knows about their whereabouts, by now they would have already moved" Lara rolled her eyes "Alpha Park shouldn't you know this information being in friendship with that pack for many year" Lara tsked which made Chanyeol more furious

Chanyeol left the place slamming the basement door, He wants to kill that bastard for what he did to pack and his family. All the time his enemy was beside him, fooling him. Now he couldn't find them anymore from what Lara said.

"Leave them here, maybe we will get more information" Soo Hyun said when they came out from the basement, "I think they know the new place" Soo Hyun added patting Jungkook's shoulder and left "Yoongi hyung keep eyes on Lee Je Hoon and his every action" Jungkook said while leaving

When Jungkook reached home it was only Jimin in the living room, he can feel his mate sleeping through his bond , "Your mate cravings are weird and good luck" Jimin said while switching the channels "they started" Jungkook asked and got a nod from Jimin, then Jimin explained him everything, "He even cried watching a sad ending movie and then went to sleep" Jimin said "But when I went to check on him again he made a nest with your cloths" Jimin added

Jungkook sighed and went upstairs, as Jimin said Taehyung was in his nest, When Taehyung came upstairs, he again felt fear on why everything is happening, why him ?, Why his babies ?, Why his mate ? since Jungkook isn't here he took all the Alpha's cloths of Jungkook and made a nest, when he went inside it he felt safe and warm and again drifted

Tae didn't budge when his nest is being removed as he can feel his mate presence, after cleaning everything Jungkook changed and slipped beside Taehyung and hugged his mate snuggled more into him, he always loved this gesture of Taehyung, Taehyung turned towards Jungkook and slowly opened his eyes to see his mate already looking at him "Did you find anything ?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook nodded and pecked his lips. Jungkook was glad that Taehyung didn't asked for any other details

 The days went by and Taehyung Mood swings and cravings are making Jungkook crazy, poor Jungkook has to go a particular ice cream shop in the middle of the night as his pretty mate asked him, Jungkook did denied saying it was night and all but Taehyung started crying and there is no stop to it, the omega did became sensitive due to pregnancy hormones and he also cried that he is becoming a burden and annoying in the arms of Jungkook who assured that it's all because that he was carrying 2 pretty babies inside of him and it's all worth it

It was hard for both of them Taehyung is attending online classes and submitting works online sometimes offline as Jungkook accompanying to the university, and Jungkook works are becoming a problem too but Soo Hyun took his position again for some months until everything is settled reducing the burden of work to Jungkook

Yoongi hired someone to keep an eye on Lee Je Hoon but in return they got nothing, but Jungkook just said to continue because they will, this one month Lee Hae Joon didn't saw Je Hoon and Je Hoon he is just waiting for the time and this time he want everything to be perfect and he will make sure that he is succeed this time

The two from the Onyx are still in the basement as Jungkook is daily visiting them for the information but they didn't opened their mouths after that day even though they are tortured, he called hoseok and confirmed that they were bound to death if they utter anything. So Jungkook asked him to break the spell to which Hoseok said he will try

Now, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin are in the Pack house as Mira wants to have a family dinner, as Jungkook is having a hard time to feed his mate, as Taehyung was denying everything saying it doesn't taste good, "Me and Soo Hyun are thinking o have a small dinner next week" Mira said while serving to Soo hyun "It's your anniversary right ?" Jimin asked "Yeah we don't want a party Just a small dinner with Parks, Yoongi , Namjoon , Jin and Hoseok" Soo Hyun said

"Alpha they are having a small dinner next week" A woman reported to Je Hoon "Thanks Sara, Keep updating" Je Hoon replied

Sara is Alex wife she was here from the starting along with alex as a new member to pack and started reporting to Je Hoon after Alex death, wanting revenge for her husbands death and also to save her children whom are captured by Hae Joon as he black mailed them


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