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Slight smut, can skip if you feel uncomfortable 


There was still 4 days for the crowning, and everything was going perfectly, Jungkook dropped Taehyung in his parents house, as Baekhyun and Minjae wanted spend time with his little son as Jungkook also has work in company

"Am I looking good ?" Minjae nervously asked, "You are beautiful baby" Baekhyun said making the omega shy "Hyung it's the nth time you are asking about how you are looking" Taehyung whined while crossing his arms making the other laugh at him, Today Minjae and Hoseok decided to go on a date their '1st date'

Their moment was interrupted when Hoseok entered the house, "Ahh your date is here Minjae" Baekhyun teased, Hoseok was nervous as hell, Minjae was his crush and he liked the Omega since he joined the pack and to add on top of it Chanyeol warned him more like threatened him

They both left immediately bidding good bye's as Hoseok couldn't stand the threatening glares from Baekhyun, now it was only Taehyung and Baekhyun, Chanyeol already left after his breakfast as he has some meeting to attend and Minjun the kid has gone to his school after many protests 

It was already afternoon, from the morning both the Omega's baked some cookies and cooked lunch together, more like Taehyung learning from Baekhyun some special recepies, they had fun together until Taehyung started whine about wanting his mate, don't get the male wrong he missed his mate and his mood swings is just making it to another level, it went to the point where Baekhyun called Jungkook who said he will come and pick him in one hour as he doesn't have any work

"Tae stop it, I already called Jungkook, he will come in one hour to pick you" Baekhyun said in a little annoy tone, "But I miss him" Taehyung pouted, "Let's go and pack the cookies you baked so you can take them with you, it will also distract you" Baekhyun started to walk towards the kitchen while Taehyung followed him behind, it sure did distracted the male

Taehyung's face lit up when he got the familiar scent, that he was craving for, he dashed towards the door while Baekhyun shouting from behind to 'don't run', he jumped right into the Jungkook's arm who chuckled at his cute mate "Don't run baby, it won't be good if you trip on your way" Jungkook said in a little serious tone and pecked Taehyung's lip's who nodded his head with a pout

"Thank god you came, take these and leave" Baekhyun handed Jungkook a cover who looked confused "Taehyung made them" Baekhyun added, Jungkook nodded and took the cover, "Shall we go ?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who nodded immediately. 

They don't how they ended up like this or who first initiated the kiss, but right now they both are hungrily eating each other faces while Jungkook is taking them to their bedroom while Taehyung moaning in the kiss, due to the incidents in the past week they didn't had proper moments and both craved for each other. Sure they both kissed and had bath together but today it was different today they wanted to feel each other


Jungkook sat on the bed leaning on the headboard while having Taehyung on his lap, never once they broke the kiss, now they parted because they need oxygen, but the partition didn't last long as Taehyung launched on to Jungkook lips, unconsciously rolling his hips making Jungkook groan and tightened his grip on the Omega's waist as his length getting hard inside his pants

"I-I wanna ride you~" Taehyung said in between his kiss, Jungkook looked at him shocked, but the shock soon turned into a smirk and eyes filled with lust and love as he saw how wrecked Taehyung and still looking beautiful, "Ride me baby" Jungkook husked making Taehyung moan

In no time they both were naked, as Jungkook guiding Taehyung to his cock and assuring him with small gestures, Taehyung looked at Jungkook and slowly taking Jungkook's length panting and moaning, Taehyung started to bounce once he took all the length and moaning while Jungkook was grunting and moaning "Argg~~ B-baby you take me so well"

"Arghhh~~ J-Jungkook~ Argh nghh~~, I-I c-can't " Taehyung managed to say in his moans and Jungkook immediately understood what Taehyung was saying and started thrusting upwards making Taehyung Jolt at the pleasure, Jungkook mercilessly abused Taehyung's hole, and started sucking Taehyung abandoned nipples, while Taehyung screamed at the extreme pleasure, Taehyung came in no time screaming Jungkook's name and Jungkook too came right after Taehyung


Jungkook kissed Taehyung's head as the omega fell on Jungkook's bare chest due to tiredness, he picked the male and went to the shower and cleaned both of them, in the process Taehyung already fell asleep while bathing which made Jungkook coo at how adorable and innocent his mate looked

It was just evening, Jungkook was carrying Taehyung downstairs as the male kept complaining how his lower back was paining, Jimin just watched the couple as he already understood when he those hickeys on Taehyung's neck

"Jungkook I want to take Taehyung to shopping tomorrow, like a friends hangout" Jimin said before Jungkook can protest Taehyung already agreed, "Just take care of him" the only thing Jungkook said as he had no heart to decline his baby

The next day, Taehyung was the first one to wake up, he quickly took his bath and prepared breakfast for both the males who are still sleeping, he was excited for shopping, started setting the table, but startled when he found two strong arms snaking around his waist but relaxed instantly knowing who it was

"You are awake" Tae asked while rubbing Jungkook's hand which are on waist while Jungkook hummed nuzzling more into his neck, "Missed your warmth" Jungkook mumbled through his neck which make Taehyung shiver, both startled when the bell ringed

"I'll take it" Taehyung quickly removed himself from Jungkook and happily skipped to the door, but hissed when he opened the door "WE'RE BACK" hearing two loud cheerful voices 


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I don't know about smut, I just tried 

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