Chapter-16 🔥

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There is smut in this chapter 

You can skip the part if you want  since I will put the warning 


now they are in the middle of the class when Taehyung felt heat in his body slightly

Tae was with Jimin in the class when he felt his body was heat, Jimin observed the change "Tae, are you alright ?" he whispered "I am not Jimin my body feels hot" Tae whispered back, Jimin frowned he didn't understand but then it hit him that Tae will get his heat since his mom already warned him to take care of the male today morning

"Tae you are having your first heat" Jimin whispered back making Tae chock on his saliva "Jim- "Mr. Kim and Mr. Park If you talk one more I will give detention to both of you" His professor warned them, they both turned their attention to class, The whole class Tae was uncomfortable, sweating due to heat

Tae I am waiting this moment Reuel squealed, Reuel Tae whined Tae what do you think our mate will be like ? Reuel said making Tae whine more, since he know that Reuel won't stop he muted his wolf

As soon as class finished "Tae I already informed mom she said she will send you car " Jimin said while holding Tae, Tae just nodded the pain started to kick in making him unable to talk, "J-Jimin-ah I-It's P-Paining" Tae groaned keeping his hand on his abdomen

As soon as car came, Mira came along with driver just incase for safety, she found them in the entrance "Sweety are you fine ?" she asked while taking tae from Jimin, she sighed when Tae only shake his head in denial "Let's get you home, I already made every one leave and Jimin you will directly come to pack house since I already asked Minjae to pack your clothes" Mira said while placing Tae in car

She took Tae home and already informed Jungkook who was in the middle of meeting and replied that he will reach right after the meeting is completed, By the time they reached home there were no one except Minjae who came back, Mira and Minjae tried to cool Tae but all in vain, he need his mate or he is gonna loose his sanity soon

Minjae removed Tae necklace, as Hoseok already casted a spell around the house as the arousal smell not only that but also the people don't know about his rank doesn't reach others in the pack, "Tae just some more time" Minjae said while cleaning his body "I-I can't Hyung" Tae panted sweat forming, he is trying his best but the pain was horrible

Mom is he okay Jungkook linked his Mom as soon as he entered the car we are taking care of him Jungkook come fast She linked back to say Jungkook was very much excited he waited for this moment for a long time, they never talked about this, They did had heated make out sessions but never crossed the line.

Jungkook soon reached and went inside, As soon as he entered he was hit with a arousal smell of his mate which made him growl, his wolf was getting out of control, he went upstairs to find his mate squirming on the bed

Mira and Minjae left when Jungkook entered the house even Minjae warned him to not be so rough, "Don't go rough Jungkook-ah" Minjae warned making the other both chuckle as he kinda looked cute "Can't promise Hyung" Jungkook smirked

When Taehyung got Jungkook's scent it got more hard for since there were no one he touched himself, he tried his best to stop his moans but when Jungkook entered he lost it "Jungkook" he moaned which made Jungkook growl because his mate moans were hella sexy for him

Jungkook went towards his mate who was only in his(Jungkook's) shirt and shorts as Mira made him change thought it would help but it only made it worse for Taehyung, Jungkook was too engrossed in the beauty of his mate he forgot his surroundings but snapped when Tae moaned again and whining while making grabby hands to Jungkook

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