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It was one week after the incident and one week for Taehyung to turn 21 and find his mate, Jimin took extra care for Taehyung after the incident and made sure he is safe as a friend and also because of the request of Jungkook, and as usual Jungkook is coming to cafe daily and dropping Tae at the bus stand even though he declined Jimin made him somehow, Jungkook and Tae talk sometimes but not frequently isn't it rude to not to talk to the person who is helping you

Jimin tried to take Tae to his home just for dinner atleast but he declined with the reason of work, Tae is just nervous being around Jungkook and dinner in the same table is something like he can't do, thinking he might made a fool out of himself

Jimin did became close to Minjun in this one week since he is taking Taehyung to pick up Minjun, even Jungkook and Minjun talk sometimes but not more Just a little, their talks started when Minjun approached Jungkook and Thanked him for saving his eomma and Just like that they both clicked

It was Friday and since tomorrow is a weekend Jungkook thought of taking Taehyung on a date he badly wants to do it so here he is in the cafe one hour early before his regular time along with Jimin he brought the short male to persuade Tae if he won't accept

Jungkook, Minjun and Jimin are on one table while Taehyung is preparing orders, after one hour Tae was ready to leave so went to the trio, seeing Tae coming Jungkook linked Jimin to start "Umm Tae since tomorrow is a weekend can we hangout ?"Jimin asked "Uh- uh Jimin-ah I have-" "Tae I know you have work but don't you think you have to enjoy and also Minjun too he is a kid so please Tae don't deny it pleaseee" Jimin is pleasing while showing Tae his puppy eyes which worked and Jungkook was mentally making disgusting face when he saw his brother

"O-Okay we will" Tae said "Yassssssss, then let's go to Amusement park tomorrow" Jimin said "I will pick you up then along with Jimin" Jungkook said gaining the silver haired male attention "Okay let's go now Minjun is already sleeping" Jimin said while getting up from the seat

They dropped Tae after informing the time at usual spot, Jungkook and Jimin watched Tae disappearing "I want him to be my mate Jimin" Jungkook said with a sigh "Don't worry Kook, let's wait until his birthday" Jimin said making Jungkook nod his head

Taehyung was placing Minjun on the bed and he himself got distracted by Jungkook once again about the hangout, he was excited and scared at the same time excited that he will be going out after a long time and scared that some one from the past might encounter him.

He went to sleep somehow after a long struggle, Jungkook was super excited he get's to spend time with Taehyung even though it's just not both of them but still having Tae beside him made him excite more

As decided Tae was getting Minjun ready for the day and himself too, they soon finished and left to the bus stand from their house in the woods and waited their right after 5 mins Jungkook and Jimin came to receive them along with Yoongi which is a bit suprise for Taehyung

"Tae he is my mate Yoongi" Jimin introduced Yoongi "Hello Taehyung Jimin talks a lot about you" Yoongi said slightly bowing and Taehyung did the same, Jimin asked Tae sit in the front along with Jungkook and took Minjun with Him

After a long drive they are in the Amusement park Minjun is Holding hands with Taehyung who is seeing everything in awe same with Minjun and Jungkook he is looking at Taehyung Who is looking pretty and cute.

"Since there are many rides let's meet here after 3 hours" Jimin said while already dragging Yoongi along with him according to the plan leaving Him with Jungkook along with Minjun, Jungkook cleared his throat gaining the pretty male attention "Let's go" Jungkook said while taking another hand of Minjun's, "Eomma can I get that plushie" Minjun asked Taehyung, taking the opportunity "I will get it for you bub" Jungkook "N-No Jungkook-ssi i-it's okay" Taehyung stuttered but Jungkook didn't listened and paid for the game

Jungkook won 3 plushies and the spark he saw in Taehyung's eye's when he won the price was priceless he felt that as it was pure and seeing Taehyung smile brought a smile on his face too, Jungkook handed Jun two plushies and Handed the heart plushie to Taehyung while saying "You look pretty" making Taehyung blush, Taehyung's heart was beating fast when he listened Jungkook's comment, he tried so hard to hide his smile but failed

For the next 3 hours they went on numerous rides and even the slight touch of each other brought sparks in their bodied, through out the games and rides Taehyung was smiling along with Minjun, Minjun is just a silent kid don't talk normally only when necessary, Minjun was in the arms of Jungkook since the kid complained about the pain in his legs due to walk

In this time Jungkook did made Taehyung blush many times and shy through his actions, he loved the affect he has on Taehyung and Prayed the moon goddess to make Taehyung as his mate and Taehyung is also the same he too Prayed the mood goddess to make Jungkook as his mate, he liked how Jungkook took care of Minjun and Him and the small sweet gesture's

Both the parties met at the same point they decided on the same time "Let's go for dinner" yoongi suggested before Tae can protest Jimin dragged him to the car leaving Yoongi and Jungkook behind with Minjun in Jungkook arms "You look happy Jungkook" Yoongi said gaining Jungkook's attention "Yeah hyung because of him I badly want him as my mate" Jungkook said but panicked when he noticed that Minjun is also with him

"E-even I want you t-to be with him" Minjun said making Jungkook shock "R-really?" Jungkook asked while walking, Minjun nodded "Y-you make him feel safe, I can tell by looking at him" Minjun said making Jungkook more shock "Don't worry bub I won't let him go away from me and you too" Jungkook promised which made Minjun smile a little

They reached the car saw that Jimin was glaring at him "What took you this long you coconut head" "Oh shut up shorty" Jungkook replied and Jimin started whining and complaining to Yoongi which made Taehyung to have a family and mate like that "Let's go Jimin or else it will become more late" Jungkook interrupted Jimin's complaining session

They all went to a small restaurant which is their hangout spot, Taehyung sighed in relief when he saw that the restaurant is small and warm, they were seated like Tae, Minjun, Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook since it's a round table Jungkook and Tae are side by side "Order whatever you want I will pay today " Yoongi declare making Jimin and Jungkook gasp "Woahhh never thought this Zombie boyfriend of yours this sweet Jimin" Jungkook commented making Jimin glare at him and Taehyung can't stop himself from laughing

Hearing Taehyung's laugh made Jimin cool a little but he did warned Jungkook and Yoongi he is just seeing the whole thing with boring expression, Soon a waitress came to take their order "I want tteok-bokki" Jimin ordered and looked at Tae and asked him "Japchae and crispy chicken for Minjun since he liked a lot " Tae replied Yoongi told all the orders to waitress and now they are waiting for their orders to come

"So Taehyung you don't have a mate?"Yoongi asked recieving glares from Jeon siblings and making Taehyung tense a bit "No" he replied shortly "What will you do if you find one?" he asked again which made both Jeon siblings choke on their saliva, to say Taehyung is froze in his spot with the question but he answered "I-I will accept the other if they only accept both Minjun and me"

Jimin and Jungkook were sighed in relief Jungkook left the breath that he was holding for how long who knows, ofcourse Jungkook was going to accept both of them even if he was not his mate "Woah your necklace is different Taehyung it is pretty" Yoongi commented gaining the others attention Taehyung immediately hided it "I-it was a gift"

Meanwhile, I saw it somewhere Jimin Jungkook linked Jimin me too kook Jimin replied, they both exchanged some glances and soon the order is arrived and Tae is just glad that he will be out of this interrogation from yoongi, he was tensed and froze when Yoongi mentioned about the necklace

As the day came to an end the trio dropped Taehyung and Minjun at the same spot they received them and watched them leaving "This place is a forest Jungkook where do you think he is living?" Yoongi asked "I don't know hyung even I was thinking the same but he will eventually tell if the time comes" Jungkook said "Jimin was already asleep let's go home" Yoongi changed the topic  


Hope this is not boring 

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