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He is welcoming everyone with a fake smile and took everyone orders and his head shot up he felt a familiar voice.

Jimin went home and changed when his brother said they will leave to Red Moon Pack in 20 mins, He came down and straight went to car where his brother was waiting for him "I feel bad for Uncle Baek, he don't even come to our house Kook" Jimin sighed sadly "I know min let's buy desserts for him I heard there is a good place on the way to their pack" Jungkook replied and started the engine he stopped in front of a cafe which on the outside of the pack borders, "I will go wait for me" Jimin went inside and stopped when he saw Tae at the counter and remembered that he works after class. so he made his way

"Hey Tae" Jimin called who shot his head when he heard the familiar voice and smiled a little when he saw Jimin "Hey Jimin" "Do you work here?" Jimin asked "Yeah" Tae replied "Is you house near ?""Uh No it is far from here" Tae replied "What do you want ?"Tae asked "Oh yeah I forgot one strawberry pastry, 2 Americano 3 blue berry lemon triffle's" Jimin ordered and payed "Okay wait there"

Jungkook was getting bored in the car since his brother was taking a-lot of time, so he decided to go inside, when came out of the car he got a faint scent but cannot point, he went inside but halted when he saw the pretty silver head boy who talking with Jimin while taking his orders, his wolf was restless from the moment he saw him he slowly made his way to Jimin

"Jimin what is taking this long ?" "Oh hey big brother meet my new friend Kim Taehyung and Tae meet my brother Jeon Jungkook" Jimin introduced both of them, both of them felt butterflies inside them and warm when they saw each other and butterflies when they heard each other names, Taehyung bowed his head lightly and also Jungkook

Jungkook cannot find any expression the male in front of him, It's like it's all drained and nothing felt even though his smile with Jimin is pure but still there is something which is making him feel like that, he snapped out of his thoughts when "Kook let's go Uncle will be waiting for us" Jimin said to the Dark haired male "Tae bye meet you at the Uni tomorrow" Jimin left

Once they entered the car "Jimin did he have a mate ?"Jungkook asked making Jimin frown in confusion "What ?"Jimin asked "MATE did he has one?" Jungkook asked again never once his eyes are leaving the road "Nope he will turn 21 next month so he will find then" Jimin replied "Why?" "Just some weird feeling and my wolf is restless since the moment I saw him, He might be my MATE" Jungkook replied still his eyes on the road "He might be kook, I too can't get his scent actually he is very silent kid but I felt he is hiding something" Jimin said making Jungkook nod in understanding

On the other side Tae's wolf is also restless he got a soothing scent when Jungkook entered the shop but never lifted his head and felt warm when he saw him, he went upstairs to check on Minjun who is sleeping peacefully he chuckled lightly and covered him with comforter

Jimin and Jungkook reached the pack house where everyone are waiting for them "Well what made you both late?"Jin asked "Uhh hyung we stopped in middle to buy some desserts" Jimin replied while sitting "How are you uncle Baekhyun?" Jungkook asked "I am fine Kook, How are you ?" "I am fine he replied and these for you and only you" Jungkook said while giving the bag to him "Wahh Jungkook are there nothing for us" Hoseok asked "Nope all for my Pretty Uncle "Jungkook replied while side hugging the mentioned male making everyone agree

When Baekhyun took the bag his eyes got teary but blinked his tears and smile for the first time in all the years purely when he ate on pastry everyone watched him shocked a little and Chanyeol controlling himself when he saw his mate smile

"Cake is nice Jungkook" Baekhyun said making Jungkook blink his eyes because never once in these years Baekhyun talked by himself or started the conversation or complimented which made everyone shocked, Chanyeol didn't understood the change but let it slide for now

As the night is going on at the Park's House Taehyung and Minjun reached their house in the woods through a bus and walked a little more to enter the woods from the bus stop Taehyung tucked Minjun under the sheets and laid beside him when he done with his bath and wore his pj's, Tae was not sleeping he is thinking about Jungkook but realising the thought he tried to sleep and slept after a lot of struggle

Jungkook is not good though he spaced out a lot on the thought of Taehyung or whenever the beautiful face takes place in his mind through out the dinner and Jimin observed the change in Jungkook since the moment he they met he let it slide for now though he will have a talk with his brother about this.

"Jungkook mom and dad will be here by today night" Jimin informed Jungkook, Jungkook sighs "What about your mate ?"Jimin asked again "I think I found him" Jungkook informs making Jimin gasp "W-what ? You did?" "I am not sure Jimin but I think he is the one because my wolf is restless ever since I saw him as I told you and I can't even concentrate properly on work" Jungkook says "Is-Is it Tae Kook?" Jimin asks already guessing the answer "Yeah" Jungkook simply says and left

In the university Jimin couldn't help but think about the discussion that happened in the morning during breakfast with his brother "Tae if you don't mind what is your rank ?"Jimin asked Tae who was in deep thoughts taking him off guard "Beta" he replies , Jimin nodded he knows that Taehyung might not be a beta but more than that since he is hiding the scent on the other hand Tae was suprised when Jimin asked him, he is glad that he didn't stuttered at that time

The day has passed now Taehyung is on his part time Job, he is behind the counter taking orders like usually but he raised his head when he heard that voice which he is desperately wanted to hear from two days and face which he wants to see real badly, it's Jungkook

Jungkook didn't went to his office he doesn't feel like because of certain silver head it's almost seven even though he has a dinner with his parents he didn't but left to see that person he thought he might die if he don't see him again, So he went to the cafe near Red Moon pack, when Jungkook entered seeing the certain male behind the counter made him calm, he slowly made his way to counter

"Hi Can I have one Americano ?"Jungkook asked "Yeah one minute" Tae replied while typing the order on the screen, Jungkook was there until he finished his drinking his americano while is known of those stares but didn't dared to lift his head, he is getting Jungkook scent and also thought that Jungkook might be his mate Just like Jungkook because his wolf is also restless since the moment he saw Jungkook

After completing his Americano Jungkook reached his home with a smile on his face, he was welcomed by his parents who are waiting for him in the living room along with Jimin "Welcome Son" His mom greeted his immediately when he entered the House "Hey Mom Hey dad" He greeted back "How is your trip?" he asked while sitting "It is amazing" His mom replied "Let's talk at lunch, I am hungry" His dad interrupted he knows where this will go

Once they seated in the dining table "So Jungkook did you found your mate ?"He did expected this question from his dad "Yeah I did" he replied "Really when can we him/her ?"his mom asked with excitement "I will let you meet him but I want some time like 2 months" Jungkook asked "This better not be you trick son" "No it's not dad, he found him, If I correct he might be an omega "it's Jimin who said making everyone gasp

"Really? But they are rare? Jungkook son you are so lucky" Mrs. Jeon said "Yea Jungkook if he is an omega you are the most luckiest person and do everything to protect him son" his dad said making Jungkook nod, "But he is hiding his scent and he even told Jimin that he is a Beta" Jungkook uttered 

"He is an omega Jungkook If I am not wrong he is hiding, Don't judge them though son" Mira said "Mom I know even though he has a pup I won't mind I will accept him I know it's not their mistake to be born like that" Jungkook replied

Yes since his childhood he was learned to respect every rank as equal and never see anyone less than them even though it is an omega mainly male omega since his grandfather being one he knows their nature and struggle of being one, He is not a person who judges others easily Jungkook behind their every tear and action there is a story which might make them behave like that never ever see them less than you or criticize them without knowing their story completely this is what he was learned from his childhood by both his parents and grandparents 


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