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I sit on the ledge of the hall roof, thinking about father. Thinking about what could've been, had he stayed and been patient with mother. I think that's why he left, because of mother and how she is. Maybe he fell out of love and couldn't bare to be with someone he didn't love.

But why stay in a marrige for 10 years if you're all of a sudden going to fall out of love? It doesn't make sense.

As my thoughts run in circles, the wind blows my braids in different directions. I pull my hoodie on and stare into the line where the sky meets the end of the lake. My fingers still itching to reach the unknown and find out what's beyond that line.

I've always wanted to find out what I shouldn't. I've always asked why or what if, always wanting to know things. Many of those things I can't even find our because they aren't mine to find out.

Which is why I take psychology. I'm not physically inclined to find out what's beyond the line of the sky and water meeting, neither am I physically inclined to find out the mysteries of the world so I resort to finding out the human brain and how it works. Figure out why he left and why he never came back.

Why does the brain work the way it does and why doesn't it work like others?

I slide my headphones down and hunch my legs up to wrap both arms around them. I rest my chin on my cold jean covered knees and stare out to the lake.

"Isaac." A distant voice sighed. I looked around me and couldn't see anyone.

"It was nothing, I promise."

I finally look down and see Isaac with hands shoved in his pockets, Hailey with her arms around his abdomen.

"You're not even hugging me right now." She removes herself from him but he doesn't do anything.

"I'm cold."

"So am I." She plays with the drawstrings of his sweatpants.

"Why are we here, Hailey?" He sighed as if he didn't want to be there. He probably didn't.

I could only see tbe top of their heads. I lifted myself up slowly and pushed back on the roof of the hall. I didn't want to listen in on their conversation so I took my phone out and changed the songed.

"I needed to talk to you about something." She sounds nervous and small. My headphones are almost on my ears when I hear him say,

"I need to get back to the cabin before Jax starts looking for me."

Wow. Talk about a bad boyfriend.

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