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I whip my head around to see her leaning on the doorway with her arms crossed. Her headphones wrapped onto her neck. The feint melody of a song playing through them. She looked so good it hurt, something about her new behavior has a whole toll over my thinking and I don't like it.

"Are you going to play?" She asks again and I look back at the piano. 

"I don't play the-" 

"I don't care." She smiles bitterly and walks inside. I watched her walk over to the piano and leaned against it. I was already breathing differently because the space between us. 

"Great for you, using the same bullet twice." I roll my eyes and she laughs a little. 

"It's so fun messing with you because you don't take everything with a grain of salt. More like an ounce of salt." She scoffed. "I can teach you how to play." 

"No thanks, I'd rather die." Than be that close to you.

My mind won't be able to survive with her perfume being pervasive. I couldn't think clearly around her. I spaced out thinking about the scent I smelt when we were at the locker earlier today, she had truly made me mad with that video of her and that kid. I don't even know why I acted out but I didn't like her pestering in my mind.

"Are you thinking off me?" She bites her lip to contain a huge smile. I hate it.

"Not in your wildest dreams." I sneer hoping to throw her off track.

She didn't get the hint. The subtle hint to leave me alone. I stand up and near her. My breath getting shallow, the proximity of her scent fills my head. Her hair was let loose and my hand itched to twirl a singular black braid between my fingers. Her smile quickly turned to ash when I took a step closer. 

"I can't stand you." I whisper. My hand wraps to the back of her neck. Her pulse quickening, bringing a smile to my face. 

"What are you doing?" She asks when I bring her closer to me.

I wanted to get her out of my mind, out of my system. I need her to leave me alone. I was better hating her. I was better resenting her with my entire being. Just one kiss and it will all go away. This doomed infatuation.

"This is a bad idea." I whisper to myself and bring her closer. I will only do it once just because maybe this is the only way for her to vacate my mind.

And finally taste her and give in to my desires.

"Someone told me bad is good." She gives a sly smirk which makes me glance down at her lips. Perfectly plump, dark lined lips that tempt my every thought and action.

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