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We got back home at the early hours of the morning, mother was cooking up every thing possible inside the kitchen while Lilith was sleeping.

Isaac didn't drive back but instead slept over at our house.

"Evelyn." He whispers in his sleep, his brows distraught and his face pained.

"Isaac." I shake him awake but he doesn't awaken.

He tosses and he turns. The tears start to drop from his lashes. I shake him up again with much bigger force and he startles awake. His hand grips deathly on my arm, his body trembling with shaken breaths leaving his lips. He looks around frantically until his eyes rest on mine.

"Evelyn," he whispers in revelation, "her name is Evelyn."

"Isaac, whose name?" I panic and sit up straighter than I was before. I use my thumb to wipe his fallen tears while he regains his words to say a full sentence once again.

"The woman from the basement, her name-" He couldn't speak as a ghastly gasp left his lips again. I brought his head towards me, lay him in my chest and rub at his soft long brown hair for comfort.

He wounded his arms around me for comfort as well but tighten the hold as he deepen within my skin.

I held him for a good while long before he excused himself to the bathroom. That's when tears of my own fell. Tears that felt for him, tears that sympathized for him. My heart felt like someone had shredded it into a thousand small pieces. Each piece bleeding its own cry.

Why would anyone do this to a little boy? Something so vile, so evil.

I dry up my years to the best of my ability and go take a shower in mothers bathroom. I didn't want Carter to see my tear stained face and put me on top of his worry.

He's been holding everything in for too long, and the last thing he needs is me crying.

We've been helping mother out with everything. Setting the table, setting the air to the right humidity, and helping in the kitchen. She set the house temperature to warm while Isaac and I were burning in the kitchen. She made a variety of orange foods, green foods, mash potatoes, and the big turkey.

Rehab food was not nearly as colorful, neither was it as big.

Jax and Katy came over because mother said they should. Mr and Mrs Miller parked their car outside not shortly after they arrived. I sneakily took a strip of the turkey from under it and looked around before I ate it. I was really hungry and mother told us not to eat anything but I was really fucking hungry.

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