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I bid goodbye to mother and walked into the school. A small look at my locker and they start up again.

"Are you going to deal with him?"

They wouldn't stop. So vivid and I was fighting them back, trying to get a glimpse of who I was before this happened to me but I couldn't do it.

"Hey mamas." I continue to walk until I realize I'm the only one the hall so I quickly turn around to see a guy walking towards me. "Hey mamas, do you know where I can get the bathroom? I been walkin' around here lookin' for the past five minutes." 

"Down this hall," I point to my right, "the third door on the right is bathroom."

"Thank you mama." He ran to the bathroom.

I walk to the gymnasium and see Katy nervously biting her nail. I walk up to her and she gasps when she sees me. She drags me to the court where I see Isaac pacing up and down, the rest of the team sitting on the bench.

"She's here." Katy shouts and they all snap their heads up. Coach begins to command the boys to start the warm up and Isaac walks up to me.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"My father showed up drunk." My words didn't sound like my own. They didn't feel like my own. I was on auto pilot with everything I did.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to me over the inaudible chatter of the gym. The buzz banging against my head.

"I'll talk to you after." I tried to smile but he wasn't convinced. I nod my head to the court, changing the subject. "Why haven't you guys started?"

"I didn't want to start without you."

"You're acting like I'm playing too." I laugh, he smiles at the smile on my face. I usher him back to the team. "Go! You need to warm up."

Katy waves me over after Jax kisses her. She holds my hand walks with me up the bleachers. The first row was reserved for any family members or girlfriends of the team. I hadn't noticed it at first because I was waving at Mr Carter who was seated on the other end.

Katy cleared her throat and tugged my hand, making me look at where she was looking.

"What's wrong?" I ask her in a whisper.

"They are sitting in our seats." Katy clenched her teeth, whispering as well.

I remained silent as I looked at Hailey and Amara indeed sitting in seats. I'm just not sure you'd say it was ours. I mean Carter and I don't even have a relationship.

"Hi Hailey." I greet. "Hi Amara."

"Hi Bri." Amara responds. 

"Oh hi." Hailey weakly mumbled. Amara shot a weary glance at me.

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