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"Mmm..." Her voice strained while I could feel her on top of me.

She touched me every where.
In between my legs.

She told me to sit still.
I didn't hear her.

She scolded me while I looked at the white stuff dripping from me.
I asked what it was.
She said she was checking me for any sickness.
I believed her.

She loves me after all.

I tried to leave and she slapped me.
She threw me onto the cold hard floor.
My arms scraped against the floor.
She took a sharp silvery object.

Her face was still a black hole, unrecognizable.
I tried to run but my body stayed rooted in that position.

She carved something on my thigh. I was crying for help but there wasn't any help. No one came for my rescue.

I woke up with fright and tears streaming down my face. I couldn't stop them, they were a waterfall of unreleased tears.

I frightened Jackson, who was ontop of me.
"What's wrong?"

My chest heaved up and down rapidly, trying to catch my breath. I let out a sob and she cupped my cheeks. I looked around for her, anywhere where she could be lurking.

It felt too real, too sudden for it to be a dream.

"Hey, calm down." She tries to get me calm but I can't.

I wipe my eyes angrily, the tears have already stained my cheeks. I feel heat rise up my neck as I come to the realization that I cried infront of her. I keep my hands on my eyes, not even ready to take them off.

"Get off me." I ask, my voice cracking into a whisper.

"No." She whispers back, laying her body on mine. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Brianna please..." I wanted to say but it came out as a sigh. A very tired, used up sigh.

I've never had dreams like that, so vivid and real. It felt like I was there. I was truly there in that dark cold basement, no one could hear my cries and my pleas. She branded me somehow. Maybe that was the scar I got on my leg.

"It was just a bad dream, we all get them." Her words were so innocent as compared to what I witnessed. That wasn't a dream, but a shift.

A way to connect and touch with a world of your memories. She tainted me. I couldn't do anything about it.

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