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He's coming over and I don't know what to feel. It's been a rough two days considering our relationship. Many factors, again, have disapproved of our relationship and I can't ignore them.

I'm pacing infront of the front door, waiting for the gates to open and a car to roll in. And just like that,  my wishes were answered. I quickly open the door and walk to his car. He jumps out and doesn't even bother to close it.

"You fucking disgust me." I seethe and he nods feverishly.

"I deserve that, just let me explain what you saw."

"I saw you professing your love to the fucking skank, what else is there to see?" I shouted and he ran a hand through his hair.

"Bri, I promise-"

"Enough of your fucking promises. You never keep them. What else did she do, suck your dick for a porn video? Wouldn't put it past her." 

"Enough!" He snapped. "I have to explain, let me talk."

"She kissed you and was on top of you, there isn't anything to explain!"

"You're thinking things of me-"

"You have a girlfriend." My voice failed me once again and it folded. "You show respect to your girlfriend. What you did out there, isn't respectful."

"I know."

"No you don't. Most of the school knows about you and Hailey." I could feel the tears benched on my tearduct but never falling.

"Bri, I just need to explain the video."

"Explain." I give him the go ahead. He stutters over his answer so I press even more. "Why were you there?"

"I woke up that morning to a bunch of text messages that suprised me-"

"Isaac! Why were you there?" I shout with annoyance. I don't want to hear what happened in the morning. I look into his eyes and almost gasp. I've never seen him cry.

"Can you just stop shouting?" He whispered and turned around. He hit his head on the car window and groaned. He grabbed his head and slowly turned and slid down the car door.

"You're not doing this here." I say and feel the tears coming through. "I want fucking answers."

I've tried to not cry but seeing him cry is making me cry.

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