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I got up from the living room, my stomach hurting from all the laughing. The bowl in my hand was about to slip, I know it but I held onto it. I refilled the popcorn and grabbed us two new cans of soda.

I sat down and handed it to her, she smiled in appreciation. While she was talking I observed her.

Her hair was braided down into cornrows. Two beads at the end of each one. She had different colors woven into them. Her eyes were a light surface hazel, it complimented her lighter skin tone. Her lips were small, tight and pink. They looked like her mothers. So far she looked nothing like her father so it was a win for me.

She took a sip from the soda can while I finished my story.

"He's such a prick! I already hate him and I haven't seen him." She exclaims grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"He is who he is. I can't change someone." Even if he changed me.

It's been two days since Storm initially came around. She had a big fight with her parents about coming over so she came over anyway. She brought a whole load of clothes and mother had no choice but to let her stay. I decided to tolerate her because mother told me to be nice.

But it turns out that I actually like her. She may be the spawn of that devil but she's nothing like him, neither am I. It's a win for us. We both seem to have strained relationships with him. He can never seem to do anything right but in my head, I excused it because she is a teenager and parents can never seem to do anything right.

Carter on the other hand hasn't even tried to speak to me. I told him not to but I was expecting on text. I hadn't realized that I missed him until I started to Storm about him.

"It's always the ones you can't change. He's hot, he's mean and he changes you but you cannot even try to change him because he's too much." She sighs and eats another handful of popcorn.

I seriously hate him but I miss our small makeout sessions. He was an okay kisser. He would always wrap his arms around my waist and pull me to him because he wants me as close as possible. I want the small fire I felt inside me everytime he would look at me. I missed him and his blush everytime I called him by his last name. I missed having to tease him.

I always thought he was crushing on me, that he couldn't even see that he was clearly head over heels for me but I was wrong. He never did. He used me and I used him. It ends there.

"Enough talk about shitty people, how is it going to your punk baby?"

Storm had a boyfriend who was actually her drummer. They had to keep their relationship under wraps because even though her father allowed her to go and make music, he would have a stroke if he found out she dated this soon. When I was eight, he would tell me not to date anyone until I was out of highschool. 

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