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"I did know that he was leaving but he wouldn't tell me where." She said sympathetically and continued to tend to my wound.

Lilith is eighty years old but if I look at her, she looks like the ripe age of 60. Her melanin skin radiated by her own self made cream. Her eyes shine brown and green. Her grey hair with a few black highlights was always neatly wrapped into a neat bun. She always smelt like baked goods, considering she was in the kitchen most of the time. She was my comfort character, the one person I could turn to and immediately feel safe with.

"He was so damn adamant on keeping it a secret." She whispers in frustration as she places a small round plaster on my cheek.


I never did anything but be a good and grateful daughter, why would he just leave me? Leave his home that he built?

"It will all come out, baby but just remember il reviendra un jour pour t'aider à atteindre les étoiles." She tucks a braid behind my ear and pecks me on my plastered cheek.

He'll be back one day to help you reach the stars.


I probably slept here because I wake up with a small blanket draped over me and my shoes off.

My eyes droopy and heavy, I can feel the weight on my head. I cried myself to sleep, heavily. It's dark out and the door is close shut but there was a small light peeking from the bottom of the frame. Footsteps echoed in the halls and the pair of feet stopped at the doorway. I anxiously waited for this person to open the door and enter but at the same time I was hoping they chicken out of opening the door because I don't feel like dealing with that.

The pair of feet walked away and I let out a breath I was holding. I flung my legs out and stood up from the bed, I made the side I was sleeping on but it was a useless attempt so I just left it. I walked to the bathroom in the room and switched the lights on. My hair was a proper mess, my eyeliner ran down my cheeks and my eyes were red. I looked like I just came down from a high, a very light one though.

I decided on washing my face -with cold water. It felt refreshing as the cold water droplets clashed with my warm skin. I undressed from my clothes and get into the shower. I wait as the water turns from cold to warm, the steam starting to arise. I grab the body wash on the bathroom rack and the loofah, I begin to scrub my body. Once I'm finished I rinse out the soap and exit the shower. I grab a white towel and wrap it around my body before grabbing my clothes and leaving. I get to the door and my hand hesitantly latches onto the doorknob.

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