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Our bodies moved against each other with heat and frustration. My lips scorned by his skillful ones. He kissed my neck and shoulders with hair rising kisses.

We ditched the mall and came into what I learnt was Jaxons car and began making out. I love making out with him, it makes me feel whole. I grabbed a fistful of his hair while my hips ground against him. His hands serrated on my skin, blistering and scorching.

It was like he already knew my body, he knew what to do. He knew what to do to turn me on. I felt the burn again, his touch was like a spark and it ignites everytime we do this. His kiss was an accomplice, everytime he kissed me it ignited something else within me. I have yet to figure it out.

His hands skillfully undo the button of my jeans. Panic arises in me because I've never done this before. His hands burn through the skin on my hips and I let him taint every part of me.

He worships every part of me that I hated. He fingers my underwear, twirling it between his fingers. He attains a good pace in kissing my neck, making me feel heated. He slowly works his fingers to my center and I sink my body against him. I feel a splurge of arousal when his fingers dance under me.

"Oh my...God." A sound escapes me, foreign on my tongue but I like the action that was caused by it. I can't keep my actions down when I move my hips against is fingers. 

"You're wet." He says, his sentence flows out of his mouth with lust riding all over it. Something happens to my body when I hear him. The rough voice, the small grunt when I continue to rub myself against his fingers.

They slip past my underwear, daring to to touch me. As soon they do, I see and feel ecstacy rolling through every atom in my body. Carter groans and shuts his eyes, him too feeling all the pleasure role through his body.

His fingers skillfully rub against me, filling me wholly. 

"I have no idea what to do." I admit vulnerably. 

"Let me do all the work, love." It causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach. 

It was as if all hell had broken loose because he didn't hold back. He entered his fingers in me and stroked them through me. I couldn't as so much speak while he had his two fingers inside of me. Our breaths mangled together creating a humid air. Air that aroused me even more. 

I moaned and gasped at everything he was doing, I couldn't believe I felt all of this at once. The rhapsody, bliss, euphoria from just the simple action. I landed my lips on his, feverish and scorning. His lips couldn't stay on mine and I couldn't kiss him. My lips slide on his cheek, my thighs burned and my head ached. I could feel a knot forming in my stomach. 

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