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Jax suggested we go into the hot tub. Problem was I had Hailey on one side who would not leave me alone and Jackson on side, all she did was leave me alone.

I hook my pinky finger through to hers once I know that no one can see our hands under the water jets. She looked down at it and tried to keep her wavering emotions down.

"Brianna truth or dare?" Hailey dared but neither one of us were paying attention. Her lips fell apart and I wanted nothing more than to kiss them back together.

"You look cute flustered." I whisper gently into her ear. My skin was buzzing with excitement for the mere touch of our pinkys.

She shook her head and frowned down at our hands. I needed to know that we were speakable to each other after what happened. I wish I could talk to her about it but I can't even come to terms with the memories.

"Why would I be flustered?" She asks in a whisper. Her eyes don't meet mine so I know she's flustered.

Hailey asked her again if she'd choose truth or dare. With my leg close to hers and my body leaning away from Hailey, she didn't know how to say what she wanted to say.


"That isn't the safe option." The way in which Hailey smirked, I should be worried but Jackson can handle herself. I've seen.

"Nonetheless, is it true that you kissed Isaac in the piano room?"

Her hand slipped away from mine and under her legs.

"Why would I do that? That's disgusting." She grimaced at me. I should be hurt or offended but I wasn't.

"I'm ashamed you thought I would ever kiss her." I play along to whatever she's saying.

"You would be lucky to kiss me." She scoffs with a condescending side eye. It shouldn't make my swimming trunks smaller by the second.

"No more than you would be lucky for me to even touch you." She glares at me saying it was enough.

Hailey watched us and our little interaction. She wanted to ask something else but Jackson cut her off.

She gave a dare for Katherine to kiss the hottest person among us. She said it leaning forward on her hands. Her ass out right next to me. I didn't look or anything but I did imagine a fantasy where that ass was mine. I placed my hands on her waist to bring her down. I couldn't bear to see it and not touch it.

Pure torture in itself.

We played the rest of the game, Jaxon daring us to strip naked or skinny dip. He seemed to aim it at us seniors and not Jackson or Katherine. I'm glad because I don't know what I would've done or said if I saw a naked Jackson. I shouldn't think of it too much or else my pants won't fit me.

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