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We closed the door to his room behind us. I pushed him onto his bed and took my tank top off.

"You didn't need the top anyway." He smirked as my threw my legs beside him. My hands go beside his head my lips smiling from ear to ear.

"Totally didn't need." I lowered my lips onto his. I thrusted my hips on his swell jeans. His hands gripped my waist, guiding me to flow with him.

"Fuck." He cursed when I slowed down my hasty movements.

"We should cut your hair." I gasp as he guides me to go faster. I sit up to get his attention but he attacks his lips onto my neck. Kissing his warm lips onto the pen mark he left on my skin.

"Carter." I moan trying to get his attention but my hand presses him more into me.

"Yes love?" He stops, his lips still on my chest, eyes like a doe. He still continued his sweet ardour while looking at me.

"Your hair." I say breathlessly, not able to hold myself up. I didn't know whether I wanted to stop this ride or not but the heat that pooled in my lower stomach told me to choose the latter.

I gasped when he managed to undo the button to my jeans again, how does he always do this? His hands snuck their way to my ass, fingering the lace of my underwear.

He returns his lips to mine, continuing the sweet torture. He bruised my bottom lip, nipping on it with a small groan.


We've never sprung apart like this before. It's always slow and hesitant but I never thought I'd fall off his lap and his bed in the same second. I grab my top lying on the floor and quickly put it on. I look at the door and see Mrs Carter standing there with a dirty apron and a smile. She wiped her hands on her apron, mixing the flour with the small brown spots.

"I made cookies, your favourite." She ended with a smile. I noticed her hair was neatly coiffed, her makeup was retouched, and her casual outfit switched for a floral dress.

"Did you knock?" He asked with a small pause to catch his breath.

"Numerous times but it seems you were occupied. Next time, the door should be left open."

I was looking at her carefully and behind her eyes were a whirlpool of emotions. Her smile was quite charming and she had a calm, almost serene look to her.

I stood up and buttoned my jeans when she left. Carter whined stretching his arm out to me.

"Whenever she says that, she means the cookies will be ready in fifteen minutes." He pulled me around the bed and back to him. He laid soft, open-mouthed kisses on my stomach, hitching the hem line of my top so he kiss more of my skin.


"Mhm?" He stood up and lifted the top over my head. I was once again rid of the fabric that stopping him from seeing all of me.

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