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He took off his black hoodie and revealed a tight, black shirt. Isaac wasn't totally ripped but he had a few muscles.

They probably inflated with his ego. I hadn't seen him so calm before, yet very livid that I was sitting next to his best friend and chatting with all his friends.

"Isaac, this is my new b-f-f. Her name is— "

"I know who she is, you big shit." Isaac spat. Jax raised his hands in surrender.

"What's wrong with you, dude?"

"You know my name?" I ask among everyone wondering.

"Unfortunately." He whips his phone out and sits on the lower bunk, ignoring us completely.

After a while he takes out his phone and begins to type on it, I avert my gaze when he looks up from his phone and immerse myself in conversation with Jaxon and Naomi.

Naomi suggests that it's time to leave and head back to the cabin so I say my goodbyes to Jax and the squad. As Naomi heads for the door, Jaxon gives me a hug and I hug back. We leave the room and head back to the cabin, finding Hailey sitting by the table, chewing on her nail.

She gazed up at the door and upon seeing us, she leaped for joy. Okay not really leaped but sort of relieved.

"We've been looking every where for you guys." She comes up to us and hugs us. My body and Naomi's stiffens, we were not expecting the hug.

"Amara went out to look for you guys." She mumbled in our ear and let go of us. We both gave each other a knowing look, a mutual understanding that the hug was definetly real and it did happen.

"Where were you guys?" She asked and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Naomi walked around her and sat on her bed.

"Hiding in the boys bathroom." She lied and my eyes widened at her. Hailey turned to me and I changed my expression fast and put a neutral face.

I walk around her and got to my bed, licoed out my pajamas out of my suitcase and wore them. I'm going to take a shower tomorrow, right now I'm lazy. And I'm not risking anymore conversation with the agenda of lying because I wasn't filled in and I cannot go with any flow.

"But we checked there." Hailey inquired,

"Keyword is hiding, of course you wouldn't find us." Naomi rolled her eyes and switched on her rose quartz lamp. She then got into the covers and I stared at her until our eyes locked. She did a slight nod before turning around to look the other way.

I'll tell you why I lied was what the nod meant.

"Call Amara and tell her that we are safe please, thank you." I politely ask to which she nods and pulls out her phone. I lay my head down on my pillow and fall into a short sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night and reach for my phone. I haven't texted Katy since yesterday in the morning so I'll just text her now.

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