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As I look out the window, I watch the morning birds. The spectacular color on each of them. The melody in which they sing and harmonize with each other. I do this every morning, our room has a spectacular view of the garden. Though, today...today doesnt feel right. The birds aren't singing as they used to. The gardens grassroots have a shade of soil brown and the drugs sitting on my lap are fresh and unopened.

I cannot consume them. Something in me is stopping today. Other days, I would just do it. I haven't stopped. No one knows. No one can know. They wouldn't like me if they knew.

I relapsed. I needed it. I wanted to. It was all I knew for a few days. Minnie has been oblivious, she knows what I want her to know. She hasn't caught on because she's so focused on that letter.

2 months ago, I received a letter from mom. She said it was written by Isaac. Partially my fault since I refused to see him. I knew how hard it would be, how difficult it would be to leave him.

I look down to the small layer of white powder, guided into a small line for me to take, placed on my physics textbook. This is wrong, I'm not suppose to be doing this. I pick the book up and scan the powder.

Why can't I take it?

I hear footsteps nearing the door and I blow the contents out the window. I open the book and pretend, as always, that I'm studying. A small chirp catches my attention and my eyes flicker to the yellow bird. He was smiling and chirping happily, he was celebrating something. His eyes were gleeful and his wings flapped. He lifted off the branch and flew away.

"She's having her moment." Minnie whispers and I smile while turning to face her. Next to her stands the 6'1, cold and distant Harrison Goldberg.

Harrison was dark in complexion. His eyes were a dark brown almost black, no emotions swirled in them. He was almost mechanical. He had this brooding personality and was morally grey. His face was in a glare, except the times he looks at Minnie. It may not be a full smile but his face lights up whenever she's around. Like right now, she's chuckling at me and he's looking at her with hearts in his eyes but the moment she looks at him, he masks his emotions.

"Oh come on, it's funny." She whines and twirls on the bed. Her moment is short-lived when she rolls off her bed.

Harrison has fast reflexes and he is familiar with Minnie's clumsiness.

He lurches his hands forward and catches her by her arms. He pulls her up and flush against his chest. They both freeze at the contact. I'm quite amused.

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