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"What is up, party people?" Someone shouts as they enter the house and the voice sounds too familiar. Hailey comes into view as she walks into the kitchen area. She doesn't notice anyone in the room besides Isaac. Her hands itch to go to him but she's bounded by the plastic bags in her hand

"Good evening, Ben. I brought some snacks and ingredients." She drops the bags full of stuff onto the countertop and he thanks her.

"I didn't know you'd be here, Bri." Her smile bitter but I know how to match it.

"Neither did I." I mumble as I chop the last of the celery.

"Hailey, you can't leave me outside after I just had my head blessed by the-" Amara comes in complaining but stops talking when she sees me. She shrieks and runs up to me, tackling me in a warm embrace.

"I haven't seen you in a while, where have you been?"

"I was hanging with Katy and needed some me time." 

While Jaxon's dad begins to cool the sauce, I help him with the garlic bread and plating the snacks. I take out the packet of sweets, the packet rips open and a sweet falls to the floor. I bend down to pick it up and when I look up again, Hailey had her hand on top of Carter's knee. They both seem to be having a conversation. 

"I heard about the old scout and the academy, congratulations." Mr Miller interrupts and Hailey pecks him on his cheek. Her smile was brighter than the sun but his was dull. He didn't look very good.

A gush of wind hit my jeans and a voice hollered into the foyer. It was cut off by a small exclaim of pain. As the person ventured deeper into the room, they revealed themselves. It was Jaxon. I ran up to him and he caught me in a hug, he spun us around and placed me on the ground. His smile made me feel a lot better about being here.

"My favorite human being." He points his finger down at m before helping with the extreme amount of grocery bags. A shorter woman with a small frame comes out from behind him. 

Her hair was in a short bob and her eyes were squint just enough for the smile line to wrinkle. Her eyes were a deep brown, almost similar to the brown autumn leaves. Her hair was a short blonde bob that tucked just beneath her ears. Her face was adorned by the small dimples on her cheeks.

"Hello darling." She extended her hand and I shook it with a smile on my face. "I'm Jaxon's mom, call me Beth." 

I nod my head sweetly. "I'm Brianna Jackson, one of Jaxon and Carter's friends." 

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