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I walked in school with my bell bottoms and sweater. My headphones streaming my songs to my ears. I peacefully make it to my locker and get my necessary books out. I close my locker and get frightened when I see Carter walking up to me with a glare. 

"What is your problem?" He asks abruptly. I frown at the sudden question.

"The school doesn't have any water fountains." I reply with a scent of humor he doesn't quite catch.

"Are you always this insufferable?" He took a daring step closer. 

"Yes, only for the ones I hate the most. Why?" 

He doesn't reply, just stares ahead. His frown etched so deeply on his face, he stepped closer to me. His breath fanned across the air between us that was a hairs breadth. 

"You are everywhere. You cannot just stay put and leave me alone." His words danced like honey on my ears. the depth in what he was saying was greatly considered but the feeling was too intense. He was too close for me to think clearly. 

My body leaned towards him but I played it off. I didn't want him to see that my body liked him.

"Why would I do that?" I smiled when i felt the brush of his lips on mine. The bliss erupted in my chest. 

"You are so...you. It makes me mad. It's sickening what a five second video does." He looked at me like I stole and broke his heart. Like I demolished every doubting bone in his body. I know he feels this as strongly as I do but I cannot admit it.

Fear. That's what it was.

"I make you mad?" The thought might not be appealing to most people but to me, it feels like an accomplishment. I get under his skin like he does with mine.

"You don't think I get mad by everything you do? Every waking breath you take irritates me. Every move you make, I wish I could not lie awake thinking about them." His eyes bore with emotion that was too much for me to handle. 

"Carter..." I whispered into the abyss of our mangled breaths. His hand shot out and trapped me between him and the locker.


"What is this all about?" I grip my psychology textbook against my chest. The only barrier between the both of us. 

"You and the little kiss you shared with some kid." He said it like it disgusted him. The thought of my lips on someone else was just non imaginable.

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