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I have no idea what happened back there. My thoughts once again have gone haywire. I kissed Carter, notorious pain in my ass and I liked it. I actually enjoyed it.


"Ms Jackson, I hope you know the answer to the formula on the board." Mr Fraser hands the chalk piece to me. I take it and quickly write down the answer before sitting in my seat again. 

I click my pen repeatedly as the train of my thoughts run off trail.

"And refrain from using colorful language in my class or that will be an immediate detention." 

"Sorry." I apologize and get back to my work. 

Although I keep brushing my lips to feel if it was real, I will never forget the small pull he always did to my lower back, like kissing wasn't enough. He had to feel every inch of me. Carter was one hell of a kisser, but I would never tell him that. 

He warned us about this effect. The whole burning thing and I don't blame him. All my life I cared about what other people thought of me because I didn't want to lose them like I did with my dad. It got bad and I lost myself in the process but these few days in my skin have felt incredible, I really love not giving a fuck. It might not be as badass but it's everything I swore not to like. Carter made me fall in love with this part of me, accept it and now he likes it.

But the thing is, I hate him. It's easier that way. Hating him the way he is meant to be hated.

But after the small session we had in the piano room, I knew it was a bad idea before it even happened. Carter told me that we would burn and I believed him. He said bad isn't always good and I believe him. He said alot of things yet when he laid his lips on mine, I couldn't be bothered with everyone else. I couldn't give a shit about whether we were to burn the world down, I just wanted more of his pink plump lips onto mine.

I saw the war he had with himself when we pulled apart and I found my pen in his bag. I saw it and I acted out, I made it seem like I didn't want it. I was there because he wanted it. I couldn't let my feelings show on the surface. I had done that for too long, I'm not going back to the old Bri.

I get back into my work and take my mind off him and the whole situation. I need to focus. School first, Carter the pain in my ass last.

Something small hits me on my head, I turn around to see who threw it. Everyone seems to be fully immersed in their textbooks  so I bend down slightly to pick the paper up. I drop my pen on my desk and open up the crumpled piece of paper. I regret not wearing something that will make me warm because Mr Fraser never lets the AC go above 50F and it's always freezing in his class. I glide my hand across my arm and read the crumpled note. 

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