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The envelope was heavy and it weighed on whether I wanted to open it or not.

Not being able to talk is going to be the death of me, I want to ask but I just frown and he leans back in the seat, pushing his hips up and waving a hand to the envelope.

"Open it and you'll see." His hair got long again, he doesn't seem to push it out of his face as much so he likes it this long.

I open the envelope slowly, buying the suspension inside me. I take a stack of papers and in bold print it says, Restraining Order. I flip through the pages and see my name mentioned a couple of times as well as his name. A picture of his mom caught stealing on camera follows after the last page of the restraining order.

She's been caught again and sent to a facility in Florida, we'll far away from New York.

"Your mom has the videos incase she would have to use them against my mom when she escapes again."

I'm too scared to look into his eyes and admit it's more than just fear for his mom. I'm just scared of me and the fact that I might love Isaac.

The very same Isaac I always tease about having a crush on me? How the tables have turned. This was suppose to be just temporary and for frustration, how did we lose sight of the plot? How did I do that?

"It's safe for us again. I made it safe." His voicelowered with each word as if he knew what my answer would be. "Don't run away again."

I don't want to but he's going to. It's always like that with the women of this family. My grandfather left my grandmother for reasons only she knows. My dad left my mom for reasons only she knows. He'll leave. I'm not about to be that attached and potentially scare him away. With the blood running through my veins and the DNA in my bones, I will definetly end up like my mother and grandmother.

Alone with one kid and no husband.

I hook my thumb behind my shoulder and stand up. I give him the papers and turn around to walk away. I open the door and close it behind me without looking back.

Closing chapters in my life to stop the cycle of abandoned woman.


I got back home and Storm surprised me with a visit. I was really happy to see her and needed a true distraction.

She left no soon after, only staying for lunch and just before dinner before Cataleya came to pick her up. I packed up the dishes we used and went to sit in the living room with my mom.

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