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"Hey asshole!" I call out to him and surprisingly he stops but he doesn't turn around.

"What do you want?" He asks with his back turned to me.

As I suspected, the bell rang. Meaning I had to get to calculus. Mr Fraser isn't a kind man even to his injured students.

"I need help getting to class."

"How is that my problem?" He frowns as the sun hits his face. When I cannot even form words over the small tick in his jaw, he walks on.

"Oh come on! Carter." I whine and take two crutches steps.

"You have crutches, you're not immobile." He begins to walk away but I really don't think I can get up those stairs with crutches.

As much as I love them, I've never had them. I've never even walked with them my whole life so right now, I cannot even stand properly without wobbling at the slightest wind.

"I can't walk up the stairs. Please." I sigh and drop my head.

"What did you say?" I can hear the smile on his face so I lift my head back up and roll my eyes.

"I'm not going to repeat myself."

"Well you're going to have to if you really need to get to your next class." He lifts his wrist up and taps the space that his watch is suppose to be on.

"Fuck you."

"Profanities won't get you anywhere."

"I need to get to class." I walk with my crutches and almost fall but catch myself. I don't even need to look back to see that Carter was smiling.

He was enjoying my downfall. He just irritates me with everything I have. I cannot get him out of my head and on top of that he's infuriating. Maybe if I calm down I'll actually be able to walk in these things.

I stop at the door and readjust my hand on the handle before I continue. My hands already hurt and I haven't even gone up the steps yet.

Suddenly I feel someone pick me up and my crutches awkwardly clank against each other.

"You are so embarrassing." He sighed and kicked open the door before walking in.

I seemingly regret my decision because the reason as to why he's helping me, is getting to my head. I can think up all possibilities but each one brings a rose tint to my cheeks.

Nonetheless I keep quiet and decide to let him have his peace. We get to my locker and he places me down, gently. I open my locker and get my necessary book before closing it. I shove it to Carter with a smile.

"Brianna?" Someone calls out and I turn my head to them. Rayaan gives me a hug and a small kiss on the cheek.

I forgot about him.

"I've been trying to find you, what happened?" He glances down at my bandaged foot.

"Sprained ankle."

"Oh, so are you going to cancel on the Fall Ball?" He asks with slight dissapointment.

"I can't. Even with this ankle, my mother will make go." Laughter bubbles out of me and he laughs too.

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