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I have been pacing up and down for the past fifteen minutes, trying to figure out whether or not to take it. It's a full ride, expenses paid trip to my dream town.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to attend Oxford and be a London girl. Get coffee and study at the Cafe in London. Sure I could've done all of that here but it isn't the same. This dilemma that I'm faced with has two options, one of which I truly want to do.

One is to stay, stay here until graduation and hopefully get accepted into Oxford but if I don't then that's okay. It not the end of the world.

Two is leave, accept my invitation to my dream school and live the life I've only ever seen on pictures and movies. The downside is that Katy won't be there to help me into my cap and gown and watch me walk up and graduate. I'm not ready to do long distance with someone I'm used to seeing everyday. It's not that I don't trust him, it's that I don't trust me. I may crave pain but I need male validation. I will be wooed by the London boys and their undeniably attractive accent. I'm not strong enough for that.

My phone vibrates which jolts me out of my trance. A message from Carter about how much he misses me. That message pulls my heart to my throat and limits my air supply. I can't do it. He deserves better and honestly I want to be his better.

I would do anything for him and I'm sure he would too. I love him that much. He's important to me. He was top priority then and now. He needs me.

I go over to the laptop and click the respond button. I type out the apology and how I cannot accept this invitation due to the early admission. My phone rings and I glance at it slightly, I see its Naomi so I click send hurriedly and answered my phone.

"Hey." I answered and she greeted back.

"Haven't heard from you in a while so I thought I'd check up on you, how are you holding up?" She asks so sweetly.

Everyone needs a friend like Naomi.

"I'm fine, I just-" I sigh, "I just declined an offer to my dream university and it's giving me a migraine just thinking about it."

"What!?" Someone else shrieked. I frown and looked at the call to see that it's not just Naomi on the call.

Katy, Ryan, Rayaan and Stephen are on the call too.

"Why would you do that?" A deep sombre voice that I know to be Stephen asks.

"I don't know." I sigh and rub my eyes.

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