Chapter 9

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“Darling, wake up! You’ve been asleep for far too long, come downstairs and have some breakfast,” Elise’s voice startled Alli out of her deep sleep. The room was filled with the sharp glare of the sun reflected off of the water below.

            She found herself filled with an odd sense of dread as she slowly put on her outfit and walked downstairs, the empty cake platter from her bedside in one hand, and her bag in the other.

            As Allegretta entered the dining room, she heard a conversation between Victor and Argo.

            “I will think about it boy, don’t rush me right now.”

            “I’m sorry sir, but I need your answer! My father will have my hide if-“

            “Then blame that Allegra girl! You can’t seriously think you can have a lass like that on your Alpha team, can you? Think man!”

            Both Elise and Blue sucked in a breath through their teeth when they saw Allegretta standing in the doorway. “Sweetums, don’t be so harsh,” Elise hissed.

            They both turned to see ‘Allegra’ standing there, frozen.

            The old innkeeper coughed gruffly and sat down, not meeting her eyes. Argo looked away from her gaze and onto the plate in front of him.

            I won’t show them weakness, Allegretta thought, I’ll just hold my head high and pretend I didn’t hear them.

            She sat down two chairs away from Argo and picked at her eggs thoughtfully, hoping no one tried to make eye contact with her. The discomfort in her stomach hadn’t gone away since she left her room.

            “So, Victor,” One of the guests tried to strike up a conversation. “I heard a circus is coming to the town next over, is that true? How good do you think that’ll be for your business here?”

            “Same as usual,” the innkeeper answered simply. “When the inn’s in the next town run out, people’ll come running to me, asking for rooms and for horses and carriages. I’ll say no to the latter, of course. We ain’t got any to spare.”

            Blue spoke up for the first time that day, startling Allegretta, “Alfonzo can take them though, can’t he? He’ll just ride back that night.”

            Victor glared at her, “Speak when you’re spoken to, girl. And no, I need Alfonzo here, not watching some blasted circus in Iocus.”

            So that’s what it’s called, Allegretta thought, I wonder what the technical term for this village is… Should I ask?

            “Tourists come to Oceanus yearly, even in the winter. So we have nothing to worry about when it comes to money,” Victor yawned. “I believe we aren’t scheduled for any other people to come today, so I’ll retire upstairs. Blue-“ the servant girl perked up, “-You will be in charge of any stragglers who happen around this town and need a place to stay.”

            He got up and lumbered out of the room, taking with him the bad aura. Elise let out an unsteady breath and patted Blue on the back sympathetically, “Go check Argo and Allegretta’s room to see if they had left anything, alright? I need to have a conversation for just their ears.”

            Blue’s cheeks were tinged red as she nodded and went out of the room. Allegretta didn’t know what to think, Blue was older than them, what should they know that she shouldn’t?

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