Chapter 10

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“A long time ago, before m’ brother was born, m’ mother did something to anger a sorceress. Th’ sorceress was very mean n’ stuff, so she decided to take it out ‘n m’ younger brother. After he was bo’n, she put a curse ‘n him so that when he reached his seventh birthday, he would turn into a crystal ball. If we couldn’t get ‘m out of the crystal ball befo’e the cl’ck struck seven, on the sev’nth second, seven days after he turned, he wou’d be stuck like th’t forever. Today is the seventh day. W’ tried getting infor’ation ab’t the healers b’fore, but none of the ones w’ found were real. There’s one ‘n Iocus that mum says will cure him. Mum can’t leave since she’s with child, and pop’s o’t with the dogs on a hunting mission to fi’d the sorceress.” The little boy finished his story, cradling his baby brother in his shaking hands.

Allegretta was dumbstruck, “W-Wow. That’s awful. I’m so sorry that happened to you, uh…” She paused, realizing she hadn’t even asked the boys name, “what’s your name?”

“’m Allegro, and m’ brother’s name here‘s Moderato,” the boy mumbled into the crystal sphere.

“Woah! That’s freaky,” Argo said, amazed. “She’s Allegretta!”

The crystal suddenly glowed, and a faint cry of a baby could be heard on the wind. Allegro shushed the ball, “Hush Moderato! Wha’s wrong? Why‘re ‘ou so sad?”

The wail quieted into a small whimper, and the ball ceased glowing. Allegro let out a breath, “I hope w’ can get there ‘n time. I wanna know what he’s saying. Ev’ry once in a while, he cries like this. I don’t kn’w why, it just happens.”

“Is it because of my name?” Allegretta wondered, “Does he recognize me for some reason?”

“’ou looked famil’r to me, for some reason,” Allegro said, tilting his head to one side, letting his bangs fall into his face.

Allegretta marveled at the boy’s hair, “Did you dye your hair, Allegro?”

He touched his blonde hair lightly and smiled toothily at her, revealing two missing canines, “It runs ‘n m’ family.”

He’s so sweet! Allegretta thought, smiling back at him. His hair was mostly blonde, except for the black bangs that almost covered his eyes.

Argo cleared his throat and knocked on the wood door separating them from the driver, “How long ‘til we reach Iocus?”

“Around two hours. Make yerselves comfortable,” was the reply.

Argo sighed, exasperated, and plopped back onto his seat. After a few minutes of listening to Allegretta and Allegro chatter away, he was asleep.

Allegro whispered something to the crystal ball and put it on the seat beside him. “So Alleg’etta,” He said, leaning forward, “why do ‘ou have an eye pa’h?”

            She touched the leather patch and grimaced, “It’s a long story involving Dragons. The same story goes for why Argo lost have of his arm.”

“Interesting,” he scratched his chin, “‘ave you per’aps come across ‘ny other Demons ‘n your jo’rney?”

Allegretta was surprised, to say the least. For some reason, she felt as if she could trust this child, even though she had just met him only a few hours ago.

Although, something in Allegretta’s mind stopped her. Argo was right next to her, if she mentioned they had come across a Mormo without him knowing, there would be many questions.

Allegretta glanced at the sleeping boy next to her, and jumped next to Allegro quickly, whispering in his ear, “We came across a vampiric Demon; one that disguised himself as an ally. He still is one, I am sure. But even still, he bit my arm.”

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