Chapter 17

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The ground was harder and colder than she remembered.

Allegretta pushed herself onto her elbows, then collapsed back down when she felt an overwhelming headache spread throughout her forehead.

She let out a moan. “This sucks. Where the heck am I?”

The headache slowly started going away, but in a way it was still there, crouching in the back of her head. The Fury stood up and staggered to a tree, placing her hand on it and panting heavily. What had happened when she was asleep?

The Fury felt something drop onto her head and looked up.

Leaves were raining down from the tree above her.

It was slow a first, but as Allegretta leaned against the tree, she felt her strength slowly coming back to her.

Another leaf hit her head and slid off her face to the ground, where several leaves already lay. The tree was dying because of her.

Because of her alchemy, it was giving its life force to her to heal her wounds.

The Demon stumbled and fell back, amazement clear on her face. This was the power of a Fury.

This was the power of a full-grown Fury.

“Oh my god.” She whispered, “Oh my god!”

Allegretta staggered back and started running towards the general direction of where she thought the lake was. This wasn’t good. She wasn’t ready to be the Fury she was destined to be!

A hazy memory came back to her. It was the talk with Todas before she and Argo had set off into the woods a few days ago. He had told Allegretta to go back to the Light of Day and finish her training with Giovanni. Did he foresee this happening?

“Argo!” she called, “Argo, where are you?”

Allegretta patted the bulge in her pocket where the map was and took it out. The lake wasn’t too far away from her approximate spot, but she knew Argo couldn’t hear her. Yet, the Demon still kept calling. “Argo!”

There was a rustle from somewhere to her right. “Allegretta? What’s wrong?”


She ran towards where she heard the voice and practically stumbled upon the still half-asleep Argo, who was propping himself up on his elbows. He smiled at her weakly. “Where did you go? What’s with that dress?”

Allegretta answered, “I don’t know, I woke up about a quarter of a mile from the campsite, wearing this. Listen, we have to go back to the Light of Day right now. I need to train with Giovanni some more.”

Argo grinned, “That’s fine! I’ll go to!”

The Fury grimaced and sat down on her knees, “You could come to the Light of Day, but I have to train on my own. It’s just… A thing I need to do. Todas told me.”

“Oh,” the boy soldier frowned, “Is that so?”

“How far away is the Light of Day from here?” Allegretta asked.

Argo took the map from her hands and stared at it. “About a day and a half. Are you sure you need to go?”

She nodded, “Yeah, sorry Argo.”

“It’s fine,” he sighed and took her hand. “Is this training safe? Are you going to be safe?”

“Who are you, Giovanni?” Alli laughed. “I’ll be fine. Vanni would never do anything to hurt me, I promise you that.”

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