Chapter 4

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When Allegretta woke up, Argo wasn’t in the room. The blankets were neatly folded on the bed. There was no note, not a sign that he had been there.

Allegretta was not one to freak out. But she knew that if he wasn’t there, if he left her here, she would have to go back to Giovanni. Back to her old life, where she was sheltered and protected from everything real. She grabbed her bag and ran out of the room, her heart thumping against her chest with anxiety.

When she reached the bar, she found she had nothing to worry about. There he was, leaning against a table, talking to a young girl, while eating an omelet.

“-that’s so awesome Argo! You’ve gone through so much, searching for those mean Furies. Don’t worry; I’ll do my job perfectly. No Fury shall get out of my sight!” The girl crowed.

Allegretta stopped, surprised. Was Argo recruiting more people for his team?

“Hey, thanks Drusilla, it means a whole lot.” Argo said back, winking. Allegretta started making her way over to them, trying to be discreet, her eyes on the girl.

Argo noticed her and waved her over, “Allegretta! Come meet Drusilla! She’s gonna be part of the Beta team from now on. She has a sight that lets her know when a Fury is nearby.”

Drusilla nodded at her and turned back towards Argo, “Don’t flatter me too much, you know I can only sense pure full-grown Furies! The stupid half ones don’t give off as much as an aura. Which sucks, you know?”

Argo smiled, “Well, can you tell if there are any nearby right now?”

Drusilla put her finger on her head, thinking. Suddenly, she jumped, “Yes! There are! They’re in a cave in a mountain a few miles from here. I think it’s called Daemon Mountain. Does that sound right?”

Argo grinned, “Yeah. Thanks so much. Allegretta and I will go check it out. From afar, of course,” he tapped his sheath that held his sword, “but if they do try and hurt us, I’ve got Excalibur here to help me.”

“Sweet.” Drusilla said, “So I’ll meet the rest of the Beta team at this tavern tomorrow night?”

Argo shushed her, “Yes, you’ll know who they are when you see them. But don’t make a huge fuss. Our meetings are supposed to be a secret. We don’t want the word to get out to any of the Furies.”

Allegretta snorted. It was all so ironic.

“Something wrong, girl?” Drusilla turned to her, smirking, “Did we say something to offend you?”

This girl was starting to get on her nerves, “No, it’s nothing. I just thought of something my old caretaker used to tell me.”

“Well,” Drusilla glared, “Spit it out, what is it?”

“I don’t remember the first part of it, only the punch line.”

“Then you shouldn’t have laughed at it. Just say it anyway!”

Allegretta cleared her throat and said, “stockings and shoes!”

Argo burst out laughing, Drusilla just stood there, looking confused, “What kind of punch line is that?”

“You wouldn’t get it if you didn’t hear the rest of the joke, idiot,” Allegretta said coldly, starting to get angry, “Now if you’ll excuse us, we have some Furies to hunt.”

Drusilla glared at her and stepped closer, “You think you’re so hot ‘cause you’re on the Alpha team, huh? Well I got some news for you, girl,” She poked Allegretta’s nose, “you’ve got it all wrong. Just remember that.”

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