Chapter 1

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In the land of Spese there lived a girl and her guardian.

“Giovanni, can I please go out into the city today?” The girl asked, stabbing her breakfast with a fork. There was no response from the wall of books that separated herself from her guardian’s work.

“Giovanni!” She called, “Are you still alive? Or did you suffocate?”

There was a pause, then a muffled: “I’m here.”

“Did you hear my question?” She inquired.

“Yes. I didn’t answer because you already knew what I was going to say.” Giovanni’s reply came.

The young girl mumbled something unintelligible and looked at her eggs with longing. They looked disgusting, but she was hungry. The only thing stopping her from eating them was that she got indigestion a few minutes after the first spoonful went into her mouth. Well, whenever she ate anything without a sprinkle of her special medicine.

“Did you sprinkle any magic on these eggs?” she demanded, her eyes flashing.

Giovanni emerged and ran a hand through his black hair, “we’re running out and it’s getting more expensive. You’ll have to do without it today.”

The girl groaned and put her head on the table, “But I can’t eat anything! It just comes right back up!”

“You’ll have to starve until I can get more from Todas, okay?” Giovanni grabbed the newspaper on the table and started rifling through it, “Besides, haven’t you heard? There’s a shortage of magic in the east, and I’m betting that Todas will be shipping it out there by tomorrow.”

“Do you think I could get to him before then and get some extra?” She gave him her biggest smile.


“But Giovanni!”

“I said no, if I have time, I’ll to go out and get some to put on your dinner,” He glared at her from the bridge of his glasses. “Now go study!”

 Angered, the girl threw the runny eggs in the sink and, without saying another word, stomped upstairs and slammed her sturdy wooden door shut.

She leaned against the door and let out a breath of annoyance. Looking around guiltily, she went under her bed to retrieve the secret stash of Mud Magic. Giovanni had no clue it was there.

The girl went to her window seat, still cradling the jar in her hands, feeling the warm beat of the magic inside.

Sitting down on the cushion, she opened the top. It smelled so good; she could barely contain myself from dumping the gooey contents into her open mouth. Forcing herself to ignore the smell, she turned to the window and looked out towards the village.

The fair made the girl’s village look more extravagant than it usually does. If she opened the window, she would be able to smell the magic that the village overused every year at this time. The sky sparkled as the sunlight hit the Dust Magic that made everything smell good. Dust magic was the most common magic, and it tasted the worst to the girl.

Doesn’t it always end up that way? The most common food is always poorest.

 There was another kind of magic that the girl had only tasted once, it being the most rare. Its substance is that of a block of ice. Ice Magic immediately starts degrading once it’s out of it’s cavern, so the sooner it’s eaten, the better.

The girl had been to the place where they mined this special type of magic when she turned ten. That’s when Giovanni let her taste it, far into the mine where none of the workers prying eyes would catch them.

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