Chapter 11

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Despite his promise, Argo wasn’t there when Allegretta made her way to the town square. She felt awkward in the midst of so many people, who all had something to do, somewhere to go. The town square was much like the one in the Light of Day, colored tiles littered themselves around the cobblestones, tiny shops selling flowers, cakes, pastries, clothing (blankets), and more were stationed just on the outside circle. No one seemed to be making their way towards any of these cafes or shops, so Allegretta found herself drawn to a brightly decorated one just opposite her.

            There was no name on the shop, but pink ribbon was spread throughout the windows. It seemed to be a bakery.

Bells could be heard as Allegretta opened the door. A yelp came from behind the counter and a pinch-faced lady jumped up comically, picking up her skirts and walked towards Allegretta.

            “Oh oh oh! A customer! How lovely! My sweet cakes shall have a mouth to rest in!” She chirped and grabbed the Fury’s hand. “Come with me my little dumping! I shall find you the perfect pastry!”

            Allegretta lurched away from the small lady’s grasp, her hand on fire, “Wait! Um, w-well I suppose I am quite hungry, miss. But who are you?”

            The woman smiled and touched her shoulder, “Sweet, just call me Auntie. Now, I shall find you the perfect pie to dissolve in your sweet, red mouth.”

            She pointed to the case of delicious candies and confections that littered the countertop; “There are apple pies, for the simple yet sweet people. There are mints, for the frosty type. There-“

            Allegretta interrupted her, “All I need is a meat pie.”

            “I believe a pudding shall do,” Auntie said, ignoring her first disturbance. “Perhaps, meat pudding?”

            The Demon shuddered, “N-No thanks. If you can tell I like pudding, then can’t I have just a cup of vanilla flavor?”

            How would she be able to put any magic on the thing she got if Auntie was always looking over her shoulder?

            “I didn’t sense you to be the simple type of person, so I cannot. Meat pudding will only suffice,” Auntie disagreed. Suddenly, she jumped up, gathering her many skirts. “I know! You shall have my Appulmoy!”

            “Um… Bless you.”

            Auntie tutted, “No, no! It is a delicious apple stew. Wait here, my little insect, as I make it.”

            She gestured to a comfortable chair that sat next to one of the large windows. Allegretta slowly walked over and sat, staring out into the square. She jumped in surprise once she saw the familiar flash of blond hair standing in the middle of the throng of people.

            Allegretta called into the shop, “Auntie, I have to go now! My friend is waiting for me out in the square.”

            After a moment of hesitation, a slight growl could be heard from the kitchen. “Sadly, I can’t let you go now.” The old woman opened the door to the inside of the kitchen and stepped out, flashing Allegretta a smirk. “You see, you’re the first customer I’ve had in a long time, so I think I shall make you stay for quite some time.”

            The emphasis on those words was prominent enough to scare Alli out of her mind. She flung herself to the door and jiggled the doorknob in a panic. Why was Argo always so far away when she needed him the most?

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