Chapter 13

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For the first time in months, Allegretta dreamed. She dreamed of a voice, a familiar voice that kept saying the same word over and over again.

   Time is immeasurable in a dream, so for Alli it seemed to take a long time before she could make out the single word.

   Survive, survive, survive.

   Then they all appeared, all the Demons she had ever seen in her life. There were Gargoyles, Witches, Dragons, and, for some odd reason, Allegro and his brother, whose eyes were dark brown.

   Survive, survive, survive.

   Then they were all gone, replaced by writing. Writing that was not Spessian, but scrawls of thick lines that most humans would not recognize.

   But Allegretta was no ordinary human. She wasn’t human at all.

   The writing was Furoric, and it said the same thing they were saying only a few seconds early



   “… Sometimes I doubt she’ll ever survive a night. She’s so feverish, I wonder why? Always tossing and turning, I’m sure it was that wine last night.”

   “You let her drink wine? You imbecile! She’s only fourteen!”

   “I didn’t know! Give me a break, Todas, why are you even here, anyway?”

   The minute the name was mention, Allegretta shot up out of bed, panting and sweating. “Todas?”

   The purple-haired man smiled down at her, carefully concealing the fangs in his mouth. “Hello, sweetie.”

   “Don’t say that.”


   “It doesn’t sound right.”

   Todas produced a handkerchief from behind him and handed it to the Demon. “I think you need this.”

   She grabbed the napkin and wiped it across her face, glaring at both of them. “What are you two doing-” Alli winced rubbed her head, finishing her sentence, “in here? This is my room, right?”

   “And mine,” Argo said, pointing to the spot next to her in the large bed. Allegretta scowled, “Well that must’ve annoyed you, huh?”

   The boy soldier frowned at her and looked away. “Shut up, you idiot. You kicked me a ton.”

   Todas looked at both of them, a knowing smile on his face. “Argo, could you finish this lovers quarrel later? I need to speak to Allegretta alone.”

   Both of the teens said at once, “Lovers quarrel?!”

   After that, Todas shooed Argo away and walked back over to Alli, taking out a bottle from his bag.

   “Giovanni gave this to me in the Light of Day to fill up your pouch. Please tell me you still have it,” He said, handing her the jar.

   The warmth of the magic filled her up with a delicious hunger that gnawed at her insides. Allegretta moved her hand to the cap, so close to unscrewing it…

   “Leave it, Alli,” Todas laughed, taking the bottle away from her. “If you can’t handle holding it without lashing your forked tongue out, let me do it.”

   “Forked tongue?”

   With that, he unhooked the pouch from her shoulder bag and poured the old magic into the Demon’s hands, saying, “Eat this old magic while I put the new stuff in.”

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