Chapter 3

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“Argo, may we stop for lunch now, please? I’m famished,” Allegretta asked, poking the boy in armor. He turned around a shot her a small smile, “Not right now. We will in an hours time, when the sun reaches high in the sky.”

Allegretta clutched her grumbling stomach and trudged on, wondering what Giovanni was doing now. He, almost definitely, had found out that she was not there anymore and would be searching all of The Light of Day for her. Just thinking about it made her stomach lurch in guilt.

“Having second thoughts?”

Argo had turned around and was staring at her with interest. Allegretta hadn’t noticed at the time, but she had stopped walking and was staring at the ground.

“N-no sir, sorry, I was just thinking about Giovanni,” She murmured.

Argo smiled, “Methinks you feel more than ‘sisterly love’ towards him.”

Allegretta gasped and took a step back, “no I do not! I only feel as much love as I should.”

He smirked, “I see. Shall we continue on, then?”

She agreed and walked after him, her steps feeling more and more heavy as she went on.

The emotions in her stomach felt like a whirlwind. Sadness, guilt, hope, wonder, interest, curiosity, and something else, something even worse than the others. It twirled like a graceful dancer and tripped all the other sensations into a pile that grew and grew and grew until It was gone. Until it was only that one feeling that danced and twirled around her gut.

A drop of water fell on her head, stifling the ballet inside her body. The beads of water became more insistent until it was a full downpour. Allegretta raised her hand over her head and stared at the sky. It was dark and full of clouds that must’ve joined together when she was looking at the ground.

“We’ll come across a town in a few minutes,” Argo yelled over the rainstorm. Suddenly, Allegretta had the urge to stop and let the raindrops soak into her skin. She leaned her head back and let the pure drops flow into her mouth.

“Alli? Are you… Glowing?”

Argo’s voice snapped her out of her second reverie of that day. She stared at him, confused, “You tell me. Was I?”

“Uh-“ He stopped and cleared his throat, “we should get moving. We’ll get a cold if we stay out here for too long.”


It took several minutes of dodging puddles and getting boots stuck in mud, but they finally made it to the village Argo was talking about. Allegretta had heard about it from travellers that passed through The Light of Day. It was called Rain et Snow. The nomads said that there was always something falling from the sky near this town. Allegretta could tell that they were right.

The roads were permanently mushy with mud. There were floodwalls that surrounded the (usually) small river that flowed through the village. At the time Argo and Allegretta visited, the river was anything but “little.” It roared at its banks and splashed against the wall, soaking the already soaked people who were unluckily treading by.

“There’s a tavern around here somewhere!” Argo yelled through the wind. It was getting harder to see, so Allegretta held out her hand, hoping Argo would get the hint.

She felt a cold hand grip hers and pull her forward. Warm lights came through the windows of the houses and shops. Shadows passed through the illuminations, she could feel their stares on her back as she ran passed them.

The tavern had heat radiating from its doors; smells of melted chocolate and warm pastries wafted out when Argo opened the door and dropped her hand.

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