Chapter 14

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“Hey… Allegretta?”

“Mmm… I was almost asleep idiot. Whaddya want?”

“Can you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

“Shh… That.”

Ahh… Ahh ahh…

It was someone singing.

Allegretta bolted up in the bed, her brown hair flying out of her face, breath hitched in surprise. “Is that what I think it is?”

Argo rubbed his head as he sat up, muttering, “It sounds like a Siren. It’s so beautiful.”

“That’s not a Siren, that music is too… soft.” the Demon said; already out of the bed and scrambling to get out of her pajamas and into her pants. That music… It was so familiar.

She glanced back to see Argo grinning at her. “Look away, pervert!”

The blonde boy held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry! I wasn’t thinking about that!”

“I hate sharing rooms with you!” She hissed, backing into the closet to change into her shirt. She could hear him chuckling.

When she stepped out, she saw Argo almost fully clothed, and sitting on the bed, struggling to get a simple cloth shirt over his head.

Allegretta went over to help him. “Lift your arms- er, I mean, arm.”

He did as he was told, ignoring her mistake.

Suddenly, a piercing scream ripped through the air. Both teenagers jumped in surprise. “What the hell was that?” yelled Argo.

“Grab your sword!” Allegretta whispered, shushing him. “I’ll bring my chains, just don’t make a fuss.”

They made their way out of the hotel as quick as they could, running down the cobblestone streets. Another scream ripped through the air, it sounded close. Allegretta skidded to a stop and grabbed Argo’s left hand to stop him.

He cursed at her. “Demons Alli! I don’t want to lose my other arm.”

“Sorry,” she muttered, looking around. “That scream was close. But where?”

A whimper came from directly to the left of them. “H-Help… M-me…”

The Demon let go of her partner’s hand and made her way towards the alleyway that was right next to them. “I’m here,” She whispered. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”


Argo hissed at her, “What are you doing? Get back here!”

“Don’t you find it weird,” Allegretta looked back at him, her face grim in the moonlight, “that no one came to investigate the screams? Shouldn’t there be a ton of people out here, trying to figure out what’s going on?”

Argo gulped, “I never thought of that.”

“That’s why you have me. Now hurry up, someone’s in pain.”

The boy soldier reluctantly trod after her, muttering under his breath as they made their way into the dark alley.

“Where are you?” Allegretta said into the air. She could smell blood, as well as magic. The sign that a creature was there, something Argo would probably rather see dead than alive.

“H-Here… B-But their c-coming, l-leave me, or else y-you’ll die too.”

Alli smiled slightly, following the voice, “They can’t kill me.”

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