Chapter 12

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“Allegretta? Is that you?” Argo materialized in front of her almost the minute she stepped out, not giving her the chance to look around the room.

   He had barely done anything to his appearance, only combing his hair and changing out of his pants and shirt. Argo had his armor shipped here by someone so he wouldn’t have to carry it, since he was anticipating walking the whole way to the village.

   Allegretta laughed nervously and scratched behind her ears, where various pins helped her hair stay in place.

   “You look great,” Argo blushed and looked away for a second, before holding out his hand and grinning. “May I have this dance, m’lady?”

   She started fidgeting, “I-I don’t know how to dance. I mean, I do, but not waltz.”

   Argo let out a chuckle and shook his head, “Figures. Well, do you want to go meet my dad? Be on your guard, he likes to interrogate the pretty ones.”

   Allegretta ignored the last comment and nodded, taking his warm hand. They wove through the crowd of people, making sure to stay far away from the dancing couples. The Demon also kept an eye out for the man and woman she saw outside the lobby, hoping that she would be able to talk to them once she was free of Argo.

   The two of them seemed to be heading towards the other side of the ballroom, and straight to a decorated wooden door.

   “Okay. Let go of my hand now,” Argo commanded. Allegretta did what he said regretfully as he opened the door.

   A long hallway greeted them; paintings and pictures lined the walls, each elaborate and different in shape in size.

   Argo let out a snort and moved towards one of the paintings, which showed a woman without a face bowing to a man with eyes, but no nose or mouth. “This is not the real one. The true one lies in one of my father’s ally’s mansion. How pitiful.”

   Allegretta smiled weakly and turned away from him, to gaze at the picture she was right next to. It seemed to show no importance, all it had on its canvas was elaborate colors and shapes.

   The boy soldier moved to her side quickly and put a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll be right back, Alli. I must go find my father.”

   Just as Allegretta opened her mouth to try and stop him, he was gone, back into the ballroom to search.

   But, as many people say, when one door closes another one opens somewhere, and here it happened literally.

   The Demon jumped when she heard the slam of a door behind her. She turned to see a tall, older man with straight blond hair that flowed down to his shoulders walking towards her with a frown planted on his face.

   “So, I believe you are Allegretta, no?” He asked in a deep voice.

   The one spoken to nodded feebly and smiled at him. “Yes, that’s me. To whom am I speaking?”

   “You are speaking to Alaxar, the father of your partner, Argo.” Alaxar boomed.

   “Demons,” Allegretta cursed under her breath. This was Argo’s father?

   Alaxar held out a large hand, “It’s a… Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I wouldn’t have guessed for my son to go for a woman of the lower class, but teenagers can be so fickle sometimes, no?”

   Allegretta stopped herself from cursing at him out loud. She could see where Argo got his arrogance.

   The man turned away from her quickly when she didn’t have a response. “I see you do not talk much. This is a good quality for a young woman to have. Let the man speak for her.”

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