♡︎ Chapter 1 ♡︎

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"Key" means talking
'Key' means thought
A/n means Aunt Name

Y/n POV:

I was talking to my parents and Brother's

"Y/n"I heard someone is calling out my name

I looked at my parents and brother one last time before I wake up

I wake up a little bit and look who wake me up and it was my aunt

"Y/n wake up"My aunt said

"Aunt 5 more minutes...."I Mumble and I try back to sleep

"Y/n wake up"A/n said

I sigh and I get up and look at my Aunt

"Y/n I'm going to tell you ok"A/n said and I nodded only

"Y/n I will be gone for months or so"A/n said

"But....Can you stay instead....I-I don't want you to leave me as well like.... My parents and My Brother's did...."I said

"Y/n I wish but I couldn't but I promise I will call you ok?"A/n said and I Sigh and said Ok

~Few hours later~•

A/n left and I'm alone at home.... Like away....

I'm done eating breakfast and I'm done as well taking a shower

I was sitting on the couch and playing Cookie run: Kingdom

And to be honest this game is Good

And it's helped me to distract me from my horrible memories and my PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

'I wish the cookie's from Cookie run: Kingdom come to the real world'I thought

After a minute or so It's was night and I was watching TV

Then my stomach is growling noises

I stood up and walk to the kitchen and then I opened the fridge

Then I heard someone talking

I quickly close the fridge and saw the cookies from Cookie run: Kingdom

The cookie saw me and look at me and I looked at them as well

Chili Pepper Cookie was ready to attack me but I stand in place and wave at them then-

"SCATTER!"Gingerbread yelled then the five cookie's scattered around the kitchen

I keep track of all of the cookies but there is one cookie I lost track is Custard Cookie III

I was looking for Custard Cookie III when I heard someone

I look down and saw Custard Cookie III was finding to place to hide

I knee down then Custard Cookie III start to cry

I look at Custard Cookie III and pick him up gently and place him in my hand

"Hey.... It's ok I'm not going to hurt you and your friend as well"I softly said and pat his back to calm him down

Custard Cookie III stop crying a little bit and look at me

"You.... You won't hurt me and my friends....?"Custard Cookie III said

"Yep"I said with a smile on my face

Then I saw the others are coming out of their hiding spot and look at me as well

I put my hand on the kitchen counter and Custard Cookie III get off my hand

"Who are you?"GingerBrave asked.

"I'm (Y/N) and I'm sorry I scared you all, but...," you couldn't hold in my curiosity any further,
"where did you guys come from?"I asked.

"You see, we found a strange portal and it lead us here." Wizard Cookie said.

"I see,"I started

"Well, welcome to Earth, land of the humans, It's great to meet you guys"I said

"You talk as if you already know who we are"Chili Pepper Cookie

"Actually I know who you all are. You guys are pretty famous around here."I said, referring to the Cookie Run apps.

"Really?"Strawberry Cookie asks quietly

"That's awesome!"GingerBrave yells

I start explaining everything

•~Few minutes later~•

I was done explaining how the apps the cookies came from made them famous, the cookies asked to see it for themselves. I take out my phone and prop it up on the table and open the Cookie Run: Kingdom app. I show them my kingdom that I have been working on and a bunch of other things around the app like toppings, summons, and guilds.

Wizard Cookie clears his throat. "Eh, GingerBrave"Wizard Cookie said and he gets the cookies attention

"Yeah?"GingerBrave reply

"I do believe it's time to return home"Wizard Cookie said

And with that my heart drops, I was having so much fun talking to the cookies

Since my aunt left and I was lived alone again

I didn't get to talk to many people in person, because of my PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

And making friends was rare and now that I had met the cookies

I didn't want them to leave

"Is it possible you guys could come back?"I asked

Wizard Cookie hums

"Well... I was able to memorize the portal's magic, so yes, we should be able to travel between your world and ours in seconds!"Wizard Cookie reply

"That-that's great!"I practically scream

"I'd love it if you guys and any other cookies could come to visit!"I said again

"Really? We....wouldn't be a bother?" Custard Cookie III asks and looks at me

"Nope! I'm practicing here all the time, so feel free to visit anytime and well hehe.... My aunt always has a business trip and leaving me alone at the home"I say

"Well then It's a deal!"GingerBrave extended his hand and you gently shake it with your fingers

The cookies leave and a new wave of excitement fills your mind

'This is gonna be great!'I say in my thoughts

But there's one problem

What will happen if my aunt find out that my favorite game come to life

Well I guess I can tell the truth or lie to her but either way I don't want the cookies would get hurt or die because of me....

But I will make sure the cookies wouldn't get hurt or die

I will protect them even I have PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder....
•~To be continue~•

(Give credit to LizztheLioness some of Chapter's are her work because my cousin copy her book work and I'm sorry my cousin)

Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now