♡︎ Chapter 53 ♡︎

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No One POV:

'What in earthbread happened....'The cookies thought.


No One POV:

The cookies looked at M/n and D/n who are looking at the cookies woth sad face on their face.

"S-So.... What happened to both of you...."Pure vanilla cookie said in the shaking voice.

"Yes, that's how we dead...."M/n said.

The cookies look at them with sad mixs with terrified on their faces.

"It was my fault.... If I didn't call Y/n that night, we shouldn't be dead...."D/n said.

"Dear.... It wasn't your fault...."M/n said.

"But I was the one who called our daughter that night."D/n said.

"I know you did but you know that anyone would die soon or later, that's how life works dear...."M/n said.

"Ok honey...."D/n said.

M/n and D/n smile at each other and they turn to looked at the cookies.

"Miss M/n and Mr D/n we have a question."Wizard said.

"What is your question?"D/n said.

"Our questions is."Almond cookie said.

"Why did you five need our help to find this items for?"Black Raisin cookie said.

"Yeah?"Gingerbrave cookie said.

"Miss M/n and Mr D/n, why did you both need our help to find the matching bracelet?"Latte Cookies said.

"And Y/n ball."Kumiho cookie said.

"Hmm Dax and Cullen did you both still have the items that you gave to your sister?"M/n said.

"Yep, I have the DVD movie that I still wanted to watch."Dax said.

"Yeah, I still have the necklace."Cullen said.

"I see, then the last item is still somewhere."D/n said.

"Wait there is a last item?"Red velvet asked.

"Yes there are five items that we gave Y/n before we dead."M/n said.

"Then.... If we have the four items then.... Where is the last item?"

".... The last item is in her room."M/n said.

"What? The last item is in her room? but how did it get there and I thought that last item is in our room."D/n said.

"Yes that's what I thought but for some reason, it in her room."M/n said.

"That's because Y/n took the last item after the cookies and Y/n fight and left her."Dax said.

D/n, M/n, Beau, Cullen and cookies looked at Dax.

"What."D/n said.

"Espresso and Y/n has a fight and Y/n said something that she didn't mean to the cookies."Dax said.

The cookies still silent and Dax continue say something.

"But Y/n plan it."Dax said.

That catch the cookies attention and they looked at Dax.

"What? Y/n plan what?"Espresso said.

"Espresso remember what Y/n said to you and the others cookies?"Dax asked.


"Y/n plan it."Dax said.

"But why?"Pure vanilla cookie said.

"Because Y/n knew something is wrong and Y/n could feel that something is planning on something, So she planned it in order to keep you all safe away from it."Dax said.

"But why? Why?! If she knew something is wrong!, she could have told us!"Purple Yam yelled.

"That's because Y/n don't want to you all getting hurt."Dax said.

"But Why?! We can protect ourself but Y/n can't even protect herself! So why! Why Y/n don't want us getting hurt?!"Espresso yelled.

"Espresso Calm down."Milk cookie said.

"No! Tell us now! Why Y/n don't want us to getting hurt! If she knew she will get hurt without us protect her! And yes we all regret what we did so Y/n don't want us to getting hurt!"Espresso yelled.

"Is it not obvious Espresso?, that's because Y/n love's all you."Dax said.

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

(A/n:Sorry it's short! I will make a long chapter next time and I have exam next week so I will try to make a long chapter next time.



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