♡︎ Chapter 7 ♡︎

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Y/n POV:

"fu*king sh*t...."I mumble and I turn around and I look at Peter

"Hey Peter...."I said

"Hey Y/n"Peter said and he noticed Almond Cookie behind me

"And who are you?"Peter said

"I'm Al-"Almond Cookie about said but he was cut off by me

"His name is Alec and he is my friend!"I said

Peter look at me and look back at Almond

"I see then it's nice to meet you Alec"Peter said

"It's nice to meet you too peter right?"Almond Cookie said

"Yeah that's right"Peter said

Almond Cookie look at Peter

"And I'm Y/n friend"Peter said

Almond Cookie POV:

"And I'm Y/n friend"Peter said

I nodded only

"So did Y/n told you that she has a-"Peter about said but his mouth was covered by Y/n

"Hehe Peter can we talk please"Y/n said and Y/n grab Peter arm and walk somewhere

'I guess I have to wait for Y/n'I said in my thoughts

Y/n POV:

I walk somewhere and I look behind me and I didn't saw Almond Cookie

Then I let go of Peter arm

"Hey! What was that for?"Peter asked

"Sorry it's just.... That Alec didn't know my condition yet...."I said

"Wait really?"Peter said

I nodded only then Peter sigh

"Well did you at least try to tell him?"Peter asked

"I didn't try it yet.... Because I'm scared and maybe he will died because of me...."I said

"Y/n don't blame yourself of everyone you love and care death"Peter said

"I know.... But I have a nightmare about my aunt is dead...."I said

Peter look surprise

Almond Cookie POV:

I was standing alone

'What Y/n is taking so long?'I said in my thoughts

Then I decided to find Y/n

I pull the shopping cart and look around to find Y/n

Then I saw Peter and Y/n talking

I saw Peter face look surprise

'What are they talk about?'I said in my thoughts

Then Peter talk Y/n and Y/n face look calm now

Y/n POV:

"Do you understand me now Y/n?"Peter asked and I nodded

Peter saw Almond Cookie and Peter look at me that face of his (like this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"So~ is Alec your boyfriend or friend~"Peter said and with that I was blushing

"I- dude! Alec has a kid and he is detective aswell"I said and I was still blushing

"Wait he is detective"Peter asked

I nodded only

Then Peter smile and run to Almond Cookie and I run after him

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