♡︎ Chapter 21 ♡︎

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Walnut Cookie POV:

It was Y/n....

I eyes catch something and I saw the same words that Y/n write in the paper.

The others and Strawberry Cookie saw the words above the wall.

"Y/n...."Strawberry Cookie said and Strawberry Cookie take other step back and same to me and the others.

Then Y/n look at me and the others.

"Oh....? I have....Guests....How.... Lovely...."Y/n said and she looks like that she has not sleep for how long and she looks.....Hungry.....

"How about.....We play game....."Y/n said and we have evil smirk on her face....

"You guys hide and I will find you guys and if I find one of you guys.... And will you guys die...."Y/n said.

Before I was about to say something but Y/n start to count to 10 where the portal is at....

And me and the others ran to find somewhere to find.....

'We need to get out of here and get the other's to help Y/n back to normal!'I said in my thoughts.

I heard feet steps and I know it's Y/n feed steps.

I peek where I was hiding and I saw Y/n is looking at under the tables and I saw Y/n is holding something.

My eyes catch something and I saw Y/n is walk where Strawberry Crepe Cookie is at....

Then I heard something.

"Bonbon is Mad!"I saw Y/n get hit and bonbon carry Y/n very far and I knew while Cookie use their attack.

I look who and I saw Pumpkin Pie Cookie!.

I get out of my hiding spot and I saw the other's get out of their hiding spot aswell.

"Ok some of us needs to get the other's and tell them what is happening and the others need to distract Y/n"I said and they nodded.

Then I heard someone running behind me and I turn my head and saw Y/n!.

"Snow king!"Sown Sugar Cookie said and using his attack at Y/n.

Y/n is now fighting Sown Sugar Cookie attack.

"Here I come!"GingerBrave said and he back Y/n away.

"Go! Hurry!"Pumpkin Pie Cookie said.

Me and Princess Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie and Mango Cookie ran to the portal and I still have the paper's and the orange bottle and now we are back to Cookie world.

Almond Cookie POV:

Me and the others Cookie's are looking for the other Cookie's and Walnut Cookie aswell because they are missing!.

Me and the others Cookie's look everywhere and yet we still haven't found!.

"Walnut Cookie! Where are you!"I yelled to call out Walnut Cookie.

•~2 Hours later~•

It's been 2 hours! And yet me and the others Cookie's have not found Walnut Cookie and the others young Cookie's!.

"Almond Cookie we search everywhere and we can't find them at all"Espresso Cookie said.

"We have to double check!"I said in yelled.

"Well there is one place we not search yet"Wizard Cookie said.

"Where?!"I said in yelled.

"In the forest"Wizard Cookie said.

'No.... There is no way that them will go to the forest....'I said in my thoughts.

Then me and the others run to the forest.

'Oh please be ok Walnut Cookie.... Daddy is coming'I said in my thoughts.

•~47 minutes later~•

Me and the others search the kid's and Walnut Cookie aswell.

Then the sky is getting dark.

"Almond Cookie it's getting dark we should go back and we will continue search them tomorrow"Espresso Cookie said.

"No! We have to continue searchin-"I said but I was cut off by something.

Then me and some of cookies look at the bush then-.

They fall down in the bush and it's was Princess Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie and Mango Cookie and Walnut Cookie.....

They fall down in the bush and it's was Princess Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie and Mango Cookie and Walnut Cookie

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<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now