♡︎ Chapter 8 ♡︎

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Almond Cookie POV:

Espresso Cookie close his door and I walk what back to my apartment to wait what Espresso Cookie said about the weird gummy that Y/n been swallow of it

•~The next day~•

I was making breakfast for my daughter Walnut Cookie

Then I heard Walnut Cookie

"Good morning"Walnut Cookie said and yawn

"Good morning sweetie"I said

Walnut Cookie set down and saw my human clothes

"Hey Dad why are those clothes are so big"Walnut Cookie said

"Oh those clothes? Heh they are human clothes and Y/n buy it for me and well I didn't expected Y/n will buy it for me and that day I feel bad because she pay it"I said

"Well maybe Y/n like you dad"Walnut Cookie said and I was surprise that Walnut Cookie said Y/n like me

"Sweetie she is a human and we are Cookie"I said

"Yeah I guess your right dad"Walnut Cookie said

I walk to grab the breakfast for Walnut Cookie and mine aswell

Walnut Cookie and me eat breakfast

'Maybe Walnut Cookie is right maybe Y/n like me or not"I said im my thoughts

•~Few minutes later~•

I was walking around then I saw Espresso Cookie

I walk up to him

"Good morning Espresso Cookie"I said

"Oh Good morning Almond Cookie"Espresso Cookie said

"So have you know what the weird gummy is?"I asked

"Well no but I did some test on it but I will keep testing on it"Espresso Cookie said

"Alright then"I said and I was about to walk away

"Can you tell me why are you so curious about Y/n protection"Espresso Cookie said

"Well Y/n almost got harassed and she needs protection"I said

"Protection or are you in love with her"Espresso Cookie said

"In love with her? Of course not Y/n is a human a kind person"I said

"She also buy me some human clothes and I feel bad for not paying it or in return for her kindness"I said

"That's make you, you are in love with her"Espresso Cookie said again

"I'm not in love with her ok"I said

"If you say so"Espresso Cookie said and he walk away

I sigh and I walk back to work

•~Few minutes later~•

I was in my office and I was solving a case

But I couldn't think of the case

But my thoughts could think about Y/n

I shake my head and I try to work

•~Skip time~•

It's was lunch time but I don't want to eat lunch because I was so close to solving the case

Then someone knock on my office door

"Come in"I said

Then the door open and I look who it was

It's was Strawberry Cookie

"Oh hello Strawberry Cookie"I said

"Hello Almond Cookie"Strawberry Cookie said

"What can I help you?"I asked

"Oh I came here because Y/n delicious lunch and well she over make too much"Strawberry Cookie said

"Oh really?"I said

"Y-Yeah and She give me some and she said to me that I go asked any cookie who wants her over make lunch"Strawberry Cookie said and I nodded

"And everyone in the kingdom like her lunch and here"Strawberry Cookie said and she give me Y/n over make lunch

"Anyways I have to go now"Strawberry Cookie said and I nodded only

Strawberry Cookie walk out of my office



I look at Y/n lunch and I grab one and I took a bite of it and I was surprised it was very delicious

I keep eating Y/n lunch

'Y/n really made very delicious lunch'I said in my thoughts

Then I saw there 4 left so I decided to give it to my daughter

Then it's hit me

'Man.... Y/n is very kind person, she buy me human clothes and now she give every cookie in the kingdom her over make lunch....'I said in my thoughts

'Man.... I feel bad.... How can I return her kindness back?'I said in my thoughts again
•~To be continue~•

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Almond Cookie
Thoughts:Y/n is a kind person but I don't know anything about her yet

(Should I put that or not you guys can tell me)

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