♡︎ Chapter 20 ♡︎

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Walnut Cookie POV:

'Did something what to Y/n....?'Me and they said in my and their thoughts....

GingerBrave, Strawberry Cookie, Sown Sugar Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie walk in the portal.

Then me and the others hear glass breaking and screaming aswell.

Strawberry Cookie was shaking in fear along with Princess Cookie, Onion Cookie, Custard Cookie the III aswell.

Then Cream Puff Cookie walk in aswell.

"Come on guys we need to check what is happening"Cream Puff Cookie said.

"O-Ok"Strawberry Cookie said.

Me and the others walk in and we notice that we are in a hallway.

I turn my head and I saw the portal isn't closing....

'Strange.... I thought once we all walk in the portal will close but it's still open'I said in my thoughts.

Then me and the others are walking and I step something.

I look down and saw paper's and orange bottle.

I keen down and I grab the Paper's and orange bottle and the orange bottle said 'Medicine of PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

'Wait.... Y/n has PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?'I said in my thoughts.

I look at the Paper's and there are writing on it and I read it.

Day 2.

The cookies left me.... After the fight of me and Espresso Cookie.

I said mean words about them.... And do I feel sorry? Yes.... Yes I do feel sorry.... But I have to do it, it was part of the plan.

'Wait part of plan? So the argue of Y/n and the others Cookie's, Y/n plan it'I said in my thoughts and I continue reading it.

Day 7.

It's been 4 day's now.

They didn't visit me and I'm starting to feel guilty about what I said I hope they are ok.

1 Week.

It's been week now.... They haven't visited me.... I'm starting to think that they hate me....

1 Week and day 8

It's been 1 week and 8 days.... I'm about to run out of Medicine.... And I think I'm starting to go crazy.....

'Wait.... Medicine? Is Y/n talking about the Medicine of PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?'I said in my thoughts.

2 Week.

I have stay up all night.... My head start to play some memories about me and my brother and my parents.....

4 Week.

I run out of Medicine.... And I'm starting to have dreams about my parents and my brother's.... I want to forget about my parents and my brother's.....

But I can't....

About we play a game.

'Wait what? Play a game?'I said in my thoughts.

I look at the last paper and I started to read it.

Last week.


If anyone reading this.

Please get out of here and don't open the door with blood inside of the room.

That's where I am.

I'm going crazy and I'm not myself anymore.

So please get out of here and never come back.


I'm not myself anymore but if anyone find Medicine of PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder just one Medicine it will turn me back to who I am.

So please....

Find a medicine.... I really don't want anyone to get hurt..... Please.... Find a medicine.....


The game called....

'Wait.... Don't open the door, where Y/n is? I don't understand....'I said in my thoughts.

I read the last part Y/n wrote and my eyes widened and I pull my hand in my mouth.

Strawberry Cookie walking and Strawberry Cookie open the door.

Strawberry Cookie let out a yelp and I look at Strawberry Cookie face.

Strawberry Cookie face is like disgusted and more fear aswell.

I look what Strawberry Cookie is looking at and I saw.....


Wait.... This is the room where Y/n is at.

Then Strawberry Cookie grab my arm and Strawberry Cookie pull me behind Strawberry Cookie.

The others look at me and Strawberry Cookie.

Strawberry Cookie take a step back and me and Strawberry Cookie.

Me and the others and Strawberry Cookie saw who it is....

It was Y/n....

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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