♡︎ Chapter 26 ♡︎

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The Adults Cookie are here.....


Walnut Cookie POV:

I look at the adult Cookie then Pure Vanilla heal the other cookie's.

"Are you all alright?"Latte Cookie asked.

"Yes we are alright and thank you"Princess Cookie said.

"Anytime!"Latte Cookie said.

Almond Cookie walk to me and knee down then-.

Almond Cookie hug me.

"Walnut I'm happy that you good"Almond Cookie said.

Then I saw Espresso cookie walk to me and Almond Cookie.

Espresso Cookie knee down and look at me and I noticed he is holding paper.

"Walnut Cookie.... you are right Y/n has other Disorder"Espresso Cookie said.

"And.... We are blind aswell...."Espresso Cookie said.

"And we are so blind because we are mad when Y/n said harsh words to us...."Espresso Cookie said.

"And Now we know half truth, Y/n said those harsh words to us because she was scared that one day we will get hurt...."Almond Cookie said.

"Y/n plan it so we don't get hurt from her.... But.... But we think hurt her so much...."Almond Cookie said.

I look at them and I knew they felt guilty.

I smile and I hug my Dad.

"It's ok Dad, We know you all felt guilty...."I said.

I look at My Dad and He hug me aswell.

"Ok I hate to break it up you two but we need to find Y/n now because we need to calm Y/n down now"Red Velvet Cookie said.

"Or else Y/n will hurt us or attack us again"Licorice Cookie said.

"Alright then"Almond Cookie said and he stood up.

"But where did Y/n go"Licorice Cookie said.

"That we don't know"Espresso Cookie said.

"Alright everyone get up because we are going to find Y/n and calm her down and return her senses again"Tea Knight Cookie said.

The other cookie's stood up and we team up then we walk different directions in the hallway.

Begin to find Y/n.....

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now