♡︎ Chapter 43 ♡︎

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Espresso POV:

"Good luck Espresso cookie...."


Espresso POV:

I stopped crawling and I turned my head to look at the little boy but I shouldn't see the little boy anymore.

I turned my head back and I continue crawling, I have a lot of questions in my head.

'How.... How did the little boy know my name?'I thoughts.

'I didn't tell him my name.'I thoughts.

I shake my hand and I continue crawling when I see I'm almost there so I crawled faster when I arrived.

I stopped crawling and I got out of the passageway, I looked around and I noticed that the room is so dark that I couldn't see anything.

I walked to find something to see in the dark and I stepped on something, I looked down on my feet.

I knee down and I tap the floor, I touch something and I grab it then I press it and light comes out, I knew it was a flashlight.

I stood up and I looked around then I noticed I'm in random room, I looked around while I'm using the flashlight to look around.

I noticed the room has a lot of dust and the window is shut, a lot of stuff aswell then I started to walking.

I looked around while I was walking and I saw a poster that said “Who will survive and what will be left of them?”.

I looked posted and I noticed that the bottom poster was torn apart.

"Hmm..."I hummed.

I turned my left and I saw two more posters, I walked to them and I looked at the others poster then it has a little boy wearing a yellow raincoat on and someone is giving the little boy Red balloon, It said “You'll float IT too.”.

I looked at the other poster and I walked to it then there I saw a hook with honey and bee on it aswell and it said “Dare you say his name.” I moved the flashlight down there and I saw a rip hole on the poster for some reason.

'Weird....'I thoughts.

I was about to look around again to find the key-.


But suddenly something fell and I was about to follow it then I heard some footsteps.

I quickly hide and I heard talking aswell, now I know I'm not alone and I have to wait for the perfect timing to attack.

I heard the feet steps are getting louder and louder, I was about to use my attack but I heard a familiar voices.

"I hope Espresso Cookie is ok."Familiar Female voice said.

"Even Y/n almost try to kill us."Familiar Male voice said.

'Wait a minute.... That voices.... Could be?'I thoughts.

I about to come over my hiding spot, I stepped on wood floor but unfortunately the wood floor made a noises.

"Did you hear that?"Familiar Male voice said.

"Yep, we aren't alone."Familiar female voice said.

"Ok you, come out! In the name of Earthbread and the heaven! I want you to come out!"Familiar other male said.

I let of a sigh and I walk out my hiding spot with crossing my arms in my chest.

There I saw four cookies, they are all together.

"Eh? Wait Espresso Cookie?"Female voice said.

"Espresso Cookie!"Familiar Male voice said.

"Hello too Mango, Madeleine, Pomegranate and Parfait cookie."I said while I'm still crossing my arms.

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

(A/N:Sorry if I didn't update last Friday, it's because I ate something that makes my stomach really bad so sorry!

If you found the secret items.

6/??? -Secret items.

If you didn't found the three secret items.

3/??? -Secret items.

If you didn't found the secret items.

0/??? -Secret items.


Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now