♡︎ Chapter 28 ♡︎

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Almond Cookie POV:



Almond Cookie POV:

Me and the others are looking at Y/n but she looks younger like she is 13 years old.

Y/n was looking at the wall or something.

I turned my head to the other's and they are seeing this aswell.

Then I saw someone and it's was woman, the woman walk in and she walk to Y/n.

"Y/n?."The woman call out Y/n.

Y/n turn her head to the woman and the woman smile at Y/n.

Y/n give her a weak smile, then someone walk in and its was a boy, he look older.

"Ah! There you are!."The boy said.

The boy walk to Y/n.

"I will leave you two alone."The woman said and she walk out of the room.

The boy look at Y/n and he give Y/n a weak smile and he grab Y/n and hug her.

"....Beau I don't you to move in (any country)..."Y/n said and she hug him back.

"Y/n I will be fine, I promise."Beau said.

"Beau.... You don't understand...."Y/n said.

"I'm so scared.... That you will leave me alone...."Y/n said.

"Y/n, You aren't alone aunt A/n is here with you, you will be fine."Beau said.

"Besides I will call you everyday."Beau said.

"W-What happened.... If you didn't call me....? And what if something happens to you.... And you will leave me alone....."Y/n said.

"Y/n, if I didn't call you means I'm busy."Beau said.

Beau look at Y/n and Y/n has tears in the corner of her eye, Beau wiped the tears away from Y/n eye.

"Y/n.... Don't cry.... And if something happens to me.... And if I leave then..... Follow you, watch you with mom, dad, Dax and Cullen...."Beau said.

Beau stop hugging Y/n, he grab something in his pocket and he pull it out something, I saw it's was bracelet.

Beau stop hugging Y/n, he grab something in his pocket and he pull it out something, I saw it's was bracelet

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Beau give the other bracelet to Y/n, she put in on and Beau did the same.

Y/n look at Beau and she smile at him.

"Beau, I will keep this safe and I will not lost it that's I promise I made."Y/n said and Beau smile.

"I glad to hear that."Beau said.

Then I heard knock on the door and I saw the same woman.

"Beau it's time to go."The woman said and Beau turn his head to the woman.

"Ok aunt A/n I will be there."Beau said and the woman smile and she walk somewhere.

Beau turn back his head to Y/n and he grab Y/n hand and they walk somewhere.

Me and The others quick follow them and they stop walking, We stopped walking aswell.

"What is happening Almond Cookie?."Wizard asked.

"I don't know but I think we are seeing a memory of someone."I said.

Me and the others look back.

Beau look at Y/n and he place his hand on Y/n cheek and he kiss her forehead.

"Y/n, I promise I will come back." Beau said.

"Ok then...."Y/n said then Y/n place her hand in her pocket.

"Oh dear, I forget to get my phone."Y/n said.

"Beau, I will be right back!."Y/n said and she ran somewhere.

Beau giggles at Y/n then He stop giggling and his face turn into sad face.

The woman walk to Beau and Beau saw her.

The woman stopped walking and she is in front of Beau and her face is aswell.

"Beau.... Did you tell her....?"The woman asked.

"No.... I didn't tell her...."Beau said.

"I try to tell her.... I don't want she to worries about me...."Beau said.

"But.... Beau..... Y/n is your-."The woman was cut off by Beau.

"I know that aunt A/n."Beau said.

"I just.... I just don't want to leave her aswell but I have to leave...."Beau said.

"Beau.... If she finds this out..... She will cry unstopped...."The woman said.

"I know that...."Beau said.

Beau walk to us and he stop.

"But I know she will be fine.... She will have friends who cared about her...."Beau said.

"And if not.... Then I will watch her everyday and everynight with mom, dad, Dax and Cullen and everyone else....."Beau said.

"After all..... Y/n is...."Beau said.

"She is my little sister...."Beau said.

Beau and the woman disappeared in finnair....

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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