♡︎ Chapter 14 ♡︎

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Y/n POV:

Then I put my hand in my mouth and look at my hand and I saw blood....

I was shock then it hit me....

'Oh no....'I said in my thoughts

'I'm still in the cookie run kingdom world....'I said in my thoughts

Then I saw one of the cookie to get Pure Vanilla Cookie

I run to the portal and I was back home

I run to my room and I kick my door open

Then I start to try to find my pill

I heard someone but I don't care

Hollyberry Cookie POV:

Me and the others and Pure Vanilla Cookie walk in the portal

Then we rent to find Y/n

We look every room then-


We heard something crash and we about to go to go there but-

Y/n rent pass us

"Y/n!"I yelled to call her but she keeps running

Then me and the others rent after her

Y/n POV:

I rent pass Hollyberry Cookie and the others

I rent the living room and I saw werewolf Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie

Then they saw me and I saw my pill!

I rent to my pills

Then they try to grab me but I doggie it

I grab my pills then I rent to the kitchen and I grab a glass of water and I open the bottom of pill and I take one

Then They rent here and saw me

I swallow the pill with water

Wolf Cookie grab me and pull me to Pure Vanilla Cookie

"Y/n tell me where the jam coming from so I can heal it!"Pure Vanilla Cookie said

'Well.... Looks like I'm going to have a lot explaining to do....'I said in my thoughts

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

Hollyberry Cookie Thoughts:Y/n has blood on her mouth!Statues:AcquaintancesLove/Percentage:15%___________________________________

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Hollyberry Cookie
Thoughts:Y/n has blood on her mouth!

Hollyberry Cookie Thoughts:Y/n has blood on her mouth!Statues:AcquaintancesLove/Percentage:15%___________________________________

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Red Velvet Cookie
Thoughts:Is Y/n hiding something?

Red Velvet CookieThoughts:Is Y/n hiding something? Statues:AcquaintancesLove/Percentage:10%___________________________________

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Werewolf Cookie
Thoughts:Why did Y/n rent to the kitchen?

Pure Vanilla CookieThoughts:Why did Y/n rent away when she's injured and I should heal her right away!Statues:AcquaintancesLove/Percentage:16%

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Pure Vanilla Cookie
Thoughts:Why did Y/n rent away when she's injured and I should heal her right away!

(Merry Christmas Eve Everyone! 😁😁😁)

Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now