♡︎ Epilogue ♡︎

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No one POV:

Thank you for playing.


No one POV:

"What?!"Y/n yelled.

Y/n looked at the TV screen said 'Thank you for play.' and the credit screen goes on.

"Are you kidding me?!"Y/n yelled.

Y/n lie her back in the couch and she put the controller on the couch next to her then someone grab the controller and sit down next to her.

"So what happened?"Female voice asked.

"Y/n finish the game."Little boy said.

"Wait really?!"Female voice said.

"Yep."Y/n said.

"And that's not all, the main character died in the end."Other male said.

"Well we didn't expect you finished the game so quickly."Other female said.

"Well, it's my turn now."Female voice said.

Y/n hummed and she looks at Custard Cookie III, Pancake Cookie, Pastry Cookie, and Cherry Blossom Cookie as Cherry Blossom which a game to play and Cherry Blossom start the game.

Custard Cookie III, Pancake Cookie, and Pastry Cookie who watched Cherry Blossom Cookie play a game.

Y/n stood up from the couch and she walked to kitchen then there she saw C/n who is making some snack and C/n lift up his/her/their head and he/she/they saw Y/n.

"Oh, Y/n."C/n said.

Y/n walked to C/n and she smile at him/her/them then she looks at the snack that C/n is making and the snack is f/s.

"So I heard that the others say that you finish the game already."C/n said.

"Yep and sadly the main character died in the end."Y/n said.

C/n let out a 'O' and Y/n grab a snack as Y/n eat her snack then C/n walked to Y/n and he/she/they hug Y/n behind her.

Y/n looked at C/n in confuse but she continue eating her snack and she don't mind C/n hug her but that when C/n kiss Y/n in the check and Y/n was took by surprise and Y/n turned her head then she look at C/n in surprise.

"Y/n I have to tell you something."C/n said.

C/n smile at Y/n as he/she/they pulled away from the hug and he/she/they gently grab Y/n arm as he/she/they looked at her, Y/n could see in C/n eyes have happy and love for her.

"The first time I saw you I thought we will be just friends but every time we are together, my feelings started to grow and grow for you and every time you sit closed and you are near me, my heart started to beat so fast and I wanted to say is that I love you Y/n so much in my cookie heart."C/n said.

Y/n took by surprise and she could feel a blush in her cheeks, C/n saw the blush in Y/n cheeks and he/she/they started to blush aswell.

"So Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"C/n said.

Y/n looked at C/n and Y/n has feeling for C/n so without a second thought Y/n smile.

"Yes! I will be your girlfriend!"Y/n said.

C/n looked at Y/n and he/she/they smile at her then C/n kiss her in the lips and Y/n kiss back aswell.

Y/n and C/n pulled away from the kiss and they smile at each other, knowing that they have feelings for each other and Y/n aunt come back from her business trip and she found out the cookie run kingdom turned real and the cookies turned into humans.

A/n found out that C/n have feelings for Y/n and a/n felt happy that there is someone  love Y/n and so a/n allow the cookies and C/n be friends with Y/n, A/n knowing that Y/n try to make friends in her school and no one in the school wants to be her friend but now Y/n have finally friends.

Y/n told A/n to not tell anyone about the cookies being real and alive and so A/n did promise Y/n to not tell anyone or a single soul about the cookies.

The cookies and C/n knew that Y/n parents and her brothers are gone but the cookies did take care Y/n and Y/n never been alone forever in her life.

Because the cookies and C/n knows that Y/n just Needed Love And Care For Human like her.

The end.

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Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now