♡︎ Chapter 2 ♡︎

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(Thank you for XxSilverbarxX for reminding me give credit to my cousin because wanted a book for 'Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader' and the one who of Reader sickness idea is sickness is me so yeah)

Y/n POV:

I will protect them even I have PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder...

•~Few hours later~•

I was making dinner for myself

After minutes or so, I was eating dinner and it's was quiet, very very quiet...

•~Skip time~•

I was brushing my teeth and I'm in my pajamas to get ready in bed

After I was done brushing my teeth

I walk to my bed and lie down and fall asleep

•~Memory/Dream/Nightmare is starting~•


I opened my eyes and saw black

Everywhere I look, I only saw black...

Then I saw something, I follow it then I heard a someone

I keep following then I saw a little boy

I walk to him

"Hey, are you ok?"I asked then the little boy turn around and I saw who it was...

It was Dax.... my little brother...

Dax look at me and who is smiling at me then I someone and that person who is holding a then I heard a gunshot

Then I look at Dax and he was dead...

I get a step back then my back bump into someone

I turn my head and saw...

My family...

Who is smiling...

I looked at my parents then they still disappeared and a flashback start to play

I look at it then I remember the accident...

It's was showing me my parent's death... Alongside with my brother's as well...

One's flashback ended

I look at my parents and my brother's who is dead

"Sister... Tell us... Are you happy....?"Dax said to me

"I...."My words can't come out and tear's start to fall down

"Tell us, "My mom said

"Tell us are you happy now....?"My dad said

"I.... no! I'm not happy at all!"I yelled and tear's kept falling down

"Liar...."Beau said

"Liar you are happy without us...."Beau said

"I'm not lying!"I yelled again

"LIAR...."My parents and my brother's said at the same time

Tears keep falling down

'I know... My family won't say that to me....'I thought to myself


•~Memory/Dream/Nightmare ended~•

Then I heard the  alarm clock is rising

I opened my eyes and stood up

Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now